7 Tips for Keeping Your Small Business Accounting Organized - Out of the Box Technology (2024)

June 15, 2023

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7 Tips for Keeping Your Small Business Accounting Organized - Out of the Box Technology (1)

The lifeblood of any business whether small or large is financial integrity. Therefore, the efficient management of your small business accounting can help establish your success.

Keeping your accounting and finances in order should be an achievable goal. Yoll not only save time but also money. Bear in mind that organizing your accounting takes effort and time. Furthermore, you require a solid plan. Nevertheless, these invaluable tips will help you maintain efficiency.

1. Separate Your Business and Personal Finances

Numerous small business proprietors have a hard time separating their business and personal finances. In fact, most tend to commingle accounts, particularly when they’re just starting out.

Is important to note that mixing your private and business transactions is a recipe for disaster. Is important you open different credit cards and checking accounts for your business to maintain separate finances.

If you dot separate your finances, you wot have a clear picture of your business economic health. Furthermore, you could end up wasting time going through bank records trying to establish the deductible expenses during tax season.

Separation of funds may also provide protection and will make it easier when you sell the business (tax reasons, establishing valuation, etc). Yoll also discover that opening a business account is very affordable these days, so thers no excuse.

2. Track all Transactions

Tracking your cash is crucial to identifying your financial status. Numerous small businesses adopt a simple cash technique to perform bookkeeping. You should record all business transactions.

This implies that you should take note every time money enters or leaves your business. Consider scheduling a weekly appointment to organize and review your business finances.

Make sure you dot omit this phase in your bookkeeping. This will make it easier when reconciling your books at the end of the year.

3. Use Small Business Accounting Software

Accounting software like QuickBooks will allow you to track your business transactions easily. Although you may consider a ledger to track your expenses and income, these days you can access various affordable and high quality software options. To learn more about the different options available, and find the best one to fit your needs, schedule a free product consultation with one of our small business accounting experts.

Instead of trying to save some money by performing this task manually, software is preferable since is easier, quicker, and more precise than paper and pen.

Additionally, software maintains your records in one place rather than scattered around the office. Some companies will deposit and file taxes for you, thereby decreasing the likelihood of accounting errors in your books. Is important you seek a user-friendly software that offers excellent customer support.

4. Hire a Professional Accountant

Not everybody needs to engage in professional services. However, you may discover that your business and personal tax situation demands professional assistance.

A good professional can help you discover ways to capitalize on business deductions and find other means of maximizing your return.

An accountant will further help you calculate estimated and self-employment taxes, both of which are necessary for small businesses.A good accountant should stand by his or her work and provide assistance if yore ever subjected to an audit. Yoll discover that outsourcing the task frees your time for important tasks.

5. Organize Your Paperwork and Digitize

Ensure you keep your business paperwork in an orderly manner. These days, you can scan the paperwork and store it electronically on your small business accounting software or a simple filing system. Is important you maintain a separate e-folder for each year and month. There are hundreds of great QuickBooks add-ons your business can utilize to take this step to the next level including:

  • Document management software like we can HubDoc.
  • Expense tracking software like Expensify or Tallie.
  • Bill management software like Bill.com.

6. Adopt a System for Accounts Receivable

Always ensure you implement a system for recording whether your clients have paid your accounts receivable. Is equally important to track the unpaid debts, so you can follow up promptly.

If you are having trouble staying on top of your accounts receivable, there are plenty of tools in the newer versions of QuickBooks, and 3rd party add-ons that can automate your billing and payments.

7. Review Your Books Often

Successful businesses have a clear understanding of their monetary picture and constantly plan. Is important you examine your finances frequently and avoid organizing last minute.

Final Thoughts

Organizing your accounting will save you money and time while making your business more successful. Perhaps even more important, it will be less stressful.

Need help organizing your accounting in QuickBooks? Our experts are about your business running smoothly. If you need assistance with your books being updated, you’ve come to the right place.

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7 Tips for Keeping Your Small Business Accounting Organized - Out of the Box Technology (2024)


What is the best way to keep accounting for a small business? ›

Some of the best ways to ensure accuracy in financial records include keeping business and personal accounts separate, using an accounting software program to track cash flow, regularly updating financial statements, and conducting an annual audit to review your business's financial history.

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Bookkeeping is something that you either have to learn or outsource when you're running a business. Luckily, it's possible to learn how to manage your own books and there are a few notable benefits to tackling it yourself.

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Even if organization doesn't come naturally to you, here are five tips to help accountants and bookkeepers to stay organized at work.
  1. Manage Client Relationships. ...
  2. Integrate Your Software Programs. ...
  3. Optimize Your Workspace Organization. ...
  4. Develop a Streamlined Workflow. ...
  5. Schedule Your Day Ahead of Time.

How do I organize my accounting? ›

7 Tips for Keeping Your Small Business Accounting Organized
  1. Separate Your Business and Personal Finances. ...
  2. Track all Transactions. ...
  3. Use Small Business Accounting Software. ...
  4. Hire a Professional Accountant. ...
  5. Organize Your Paperwork and Digitize. ...
  6. Adopt a System for Accounts Receivable. ...
  7. Review Your Books Often.
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Cash accounting method is ideal for small businesses which prefer a straightforward way to measure income and expenses. However, revenue won't appear on the ledger until the payment is received.

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Accounting for small businesses is done by keeping a complete record of all the income and expenses and accurately extracting financial information from business transactions. This is a necessary chore that helps small business owners track and manage their money effectively – especially during the early stages.

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Excel has several helpful features and functions that can help you create a small business bookkeeping system that works. You can enter and categorize transactions through Excel, create various bookkeeping templates, track invoices, and much more.

How many hours a week is bookkeeping for a small business? ›

The number of hours a bookkeeper works depends on the number of clients they have. A small business bookkeeper can spend anywhere from 2-10 hours a week on each client, it varies based on each client's individual needs.

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The three golden rules of accounting are (1) debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains, (2) debit the receiver, credit the giver, and (3) debit what comes in, credit what goes out.

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We've gathered some tips and strategies below to help you upgrade your operations.
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7 tips for keeping your business finances organized
  1. Start off on the right financial foot.
  2. Develop a business budget.
  3. Select the right accounting software.
  4. Open a business bank account.
  5. Choose the right business credit cards.
  6. Make regular reviews a habit.
  7. If you don't have time, delegate or hire.
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Rule 1: Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains. This golden accounting rule is applicable to nominal accounts. It considers a company's capital as a liability and thus has a credit balance. As a result, the capital will increase when gains and income get credited.

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Accounting System Setup Checklist – Initial
  1. Sign up for an accounting system such as QBO.
  2. Enter your company information.
  3. Establish a chart of accounts.
  4. Enter customer lists, vendor lists, employee lists, and inventory.
  5. Enter historical financial transactions.
  6. Link any business bank accounts and credit card accounts.
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A business which has its busiest period in the first part of the year might choose a March 31 fiscal year end. In contrast, a business that is busy during the November-December holiday season each year might opt to use a calendar year for tax and accounting purposes.

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Financial reports are essential tools that help you to make informed decisions in your company. You'll produce three primary financial reports: the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. They all track financial metrics over a given period.

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Accrual accounting is better for small businesses because it more accurately shows how a business performs during X time period. Cash basis accounting differs from accrual accounting by the way it reports revenue and expenses. Cash basis accounting reports transactions when cash is received or sent.

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A good recordkeeping system includes a summary of all business transactions. These are usually kept in books called journals and ledgers, which business owners can buy at an office supply store. All requirements that apply to hard copy books and records also apply to electronic business records.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.