Advantages and disadvantages of brownfield sites (2024)


  • Created by: Anya
  • Created on: 17-05-14 08:59

Advanatges and disadvantages of bronwfield sites


  • More likely to get planning permisson
  • Cheaper as dont have to put road access and drainage in
  • Stop city expansion as already in the city
  • Closer to the CBD


  • Have to be cleared or destroy what the land was orginally used for
  • Less space for gardens
  • Dont have much choice on what to build
  • Buying land is expensive


Brownfield sites are areas of land that have been built on before and can be re-used post clearing. The advantages of using a brownfield site are firstly that it is easy to get planning permission rather than trying to get planning permission on an area that has not been built on before. It will also be cheaper to build on these sites is some aspects and this is due to the fact that road access and drainage will already been incorporated into the site. The site will also be closer to the CBD and so easy access will be promoted. City expansion will also be prevented as the site is already situated close to , or in the city. However some disadvantages are that primarily the site will need to be cleared first before the land can be used and this can take a long time and sometimes can be quite costly. Due to the site already being built up there is a limited amount of choice of what you can build on these sites and so gardens and houses may be smaller. Due to the site usually being close to the CBD the site can be expensive to buy compared to buying land further away from the CBD.


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Advantages and disadvantages of brownfield sites (2024)


Advantages and disadvantages of brownfield sites? ›

Brownfield investments come with many advantages, such as buildings already having been constructed, reduced time of startup, reduced costs, and buildings that are up to code. Brownfield land could also be contaminated from prior use from pollution, hazardous material, or other contaminants.

What are the advantages of brownfield sites? ›

Pros: Redeveloping a Brownfield site not only boosts the economy by creating jobs and lifting property prices, but it improves the environment and creates a safer, healthier space. Bringing a Brownfield site back into use prevents 'urban sprawl' thereby reducing traffic.

What are the disadvantages of the brownfield? ›

Disadvantages include:
  • Development could be complicated by discovery of toxic contaminants.
  • Generally longer construction timelines.
  • Older structures may not meet structural requirements and building codes.
  • Higher risk of cost overruns due to unexpected developments.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of greenfield sites? ›

Evaluation. It is better not to build on greenfield sites as they clean the air and keep pollution under control, which is hard as a city because it is always expanding for more housing and employment to balance out the workforce however it is also an advantage as there is more space for population growth.

What are the positives of brownfields? ›

Redeveloping brownfields enhances our communities, and benefits can include improving human health, cleaning up the environment, removing blight, or stabilizing declining neighborhoods. Transitioning impaired properties to productive reuses produces tangible economic benefits for local governments.

What are the problems with brownfield sites? ›

“The presence of contamination in the soil or asbestos or other deleterious or harmful materials above ground are the key areas for concern, bearing in mind that there is potential for geotechnical issues on both brownfield and greenfield sites.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of brownfield investment? ›

The clear advantage of a brownfield investment strategy is that the building is already constructed, therefore reducing the start-up costs. The time devoted to construction can be avoided as well. Brownfield investments run the risk of leading to buyer's remorse.

Is it safe to live on a brownfield site? ›

Living next to or in the vicinity of brownfields can have negative health effects as well as lower property values. Federal and state agencies provide grant opportunities to evaluate, clean up, and redevelop brownfields into greenspaces, residential housing, commercial or industrial uses.

What are the advantages of greenfield and brownfield sites? ›

Greenfield sites offer more freedom to developers for design and expansion than brownfield sites, which often redevelop existing properties and buildings. Unlike brownfield sites, greenfield sites are uncontaminated and give developers a blank slate for their projects.

What is the risk in brownfield project? ›

When brownfield sites are redeveloped, residual contamination in the soil may be disturbed and could result in further contamination if not handled properly. For example, there may be some risk of contamination migrating to neighbouring lands through groundwater, or runoff into surface water.

What are the cons of greenfield? ›

Disadvantages of a Greenfield Investment

Potentially high market entry cost (barriers to entry) Government regulations that may hamper foreign direct investments. High fixed costs involved in establishing a greenfield location.

What are three disadvantages of greenfield ventures? ›

Disadvantages of a Greenfield Investment
  • An extremely high-risk investment – a greenfield investment is the riskiest form of foreign direct investment.
  • Potentially high market entry cost (barriers to entry)
  • Government regulations that may hamper foreign direct investments.
Apr 29, 2023

What are the characteristics of brownfield sites? ›

Brownfields are properties that are or may be contaminated with hazardous substances, pollutants, petroleum, or other contaminants. These contaminants pose a barrier to redevelopment. Brownfields often are in struggling neighborhoods and areas with blight, deteriorated infrastructure, or other challenges.

What are the disadvantages of remediation of brownfields? ›

What are the Disadvantages of Brownfield Sites?
  • Brownfield sites can be more expensive than greenfield development projects due to environmental cleanup.
  • Difficulty securing financing, as lenders are often reluctant to invest in projects with uncertainties around environmental contamination.
Jan 23, 2023

Why is brownfield better than greenfield? ›

Considering it's estimated the UK needs to build at least 250,000 new homes a year to keep up with ever-growing demand, the government are actively encouraging development on brownfield sites; mostly because of their commitment to wildlife protection – something that greenfield sites pose a threat to.

Are brownfields good or bad? ›

Living next to or in the vicinity of brownfields can have negative health effects as well as lower property values. Federal and state agencies provide grant opportunities to evaluate, clean up, and redevelop brownfields into greenspaces, residential housing, commercial or industrial uses.

Why brownfield development is the best approach? ›

As brownfield site are often located in existing towns and cities, 'Much of the infrastructure needed for development, such as road networks, electricity networks and amenities, is already in place, which can reduce developer costs and timescales,' Evolution 5 elaborates.

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