Anchoring script for Award Ceremony
By. Amrita Kanungo
Award ceremony is a much awaited function for anyorganisation
Position holders eagerly wait for the coveted moment.
you will findan anchoring script for award ceremony which will help you to announce the resultsin a proper way to appreciate and motivate the award winners.
Anchoring script for award ceremony |
A very blissful morning to the assembly ofdistinguished guests, Worthy members ofexecutive board, most prized delegates and valued audience.
Overwhelming elation sweeps us when we have gatheredtoday to acknowledge the most talented pool of our institution who are the starperformers of this session.
This session has been a memorable one for ourinstitution we have achievedsignificantly in several areas.
This would not have been possible without the great performanceand outstanding performance of various members of our organisation.
So it's the time to acknowledge the contribution ofall these members who have so significantly contributed to the development ofthis institution.
Welcome of Guest
Today we are indeed honoured to have an inspiringpersonality the very famous Dr. B.R Mishra renowned ,environmentalist with usas our chief guest I extend a heartywelcome to Reverend chief guest Dr B.R Mishra with huge round of applause.
Sir we areindeed honoured by your kind gesture of consenting to be the chief guest.
Now I request of the chief guest accept the bouquetas token of the delight and respect forbeing significant part of this abiding occasion.
Now I request our Director Sir to present ourvenerated chief guest with Memento as an expression of our gratitude.
Welcome Speech
Presence of many distinguished guests on thisoccasion is a blessing now I request our respected manager Shri Nilesh Tiwariji to Accord a ceremonial welcome to our venerated guests and introduce them tothe gathering
Now the time has come to acknowledge the starperformers of this organisation. I request Dr.Mishra to come on the stage topresent a certificate and a trophy to the winners.
No one will disagree that Excellence is never an accident.It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction,skillful execution and vision to see obstacles as opportunities.
Excellence Award
So coming up first is the recipient of Excellence awardwhich is bagged by none other than Ankit Srivastava
No one else deserves this award more than you .The workappropriately reflects the endless hours you have spent in achieving thetargets for this institution
So let us give him a big round of applause.
Employer of the Year Award
Now it’s the time to announce the Employer of theyear award I am really feeling proud to see this MS Kartika Desai has beenconferred with the years Employee of the year award. Heartiest congratulations .
what an achievement! ! !
you have set a wonderful example for everyone.
Let’s move on to our next category that is Outstanding performance award.
There are many who constantly give their best so nowit is the time for Outstanding performanceaward
With deep admiration I announce the name of Mr Shekhar Gupta who isreceiving outstanding performance award for this session .
Huge round of applause for him.
Achiever of the month Award
Achiever of the month award this award is bagged byNitin Srivastava who is recently joined this institution.
Heartiestcongratulations !!! it’s good to have someone of your calibre. I look forwardto having you many more great success in the year ahead.
Employers who are highly diligent punctual and honestat their work deserves equal recognition AS someone who is highly productive
So now we are going to give awards in this categoryfirst in this category is the best team player award the one who displaysextraordinary integrity and generosity towards the team members and encourageall the others to follow the suit and strengthen team but within theorganisation deserves this award is it is received by Mr Gopal Murthy.
Now let’s move to the Best Attendance Award which is baggedby a Neelima Chaudhary Punctuality is a very important skill which not everyonepossess but can be nurtured with motivation. So Best Attendance Award is baggedby Miss Nilima Chaudhari.
Iron Pillar Award
In the end we are proud to present the Iron Pillar Award
An employeewho stood by the organisation through thick and thin since they joined.
So can you guess?who is going to get this award.
You are absolutelyright.
The mostdeserving candidate for this Iron pillar award is Pankaj Shukla Sir ,he been a callosus for this institution everyoneknows your dedication and sacrifice .
I want to congratulate all the winners and hope thatthey will motivate everyone to put up their best performance.
I hope everyone has savoured each moment of theproceedings to the fullest we sincerely wish to meet you next year too withrenewed vigour and interest to delve deeper into the the ecstasy of sense of togetherness.
Thank you allso much for being with us.