Embodied carbon and cement replacement: what are the alternatives? - Greengage Environmental (2024)

Embodied carbon and cement replacement: what are the alternatives? https://www.greengage-env.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Embodied_Carbon_blog_thumb_752x564.jpg 752 564Greengage EnvironmentalGreengage Environmental//www.greengage-env.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/gg_mainlogo-1.png

Embodied carbon and cement replacement: what are the alternatives? - Greengage Environmental (1)

Over recent years, the UK has taken important steps to become a world leader in cutting greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, the Government declared a climate emergency and set a legally binding net zero target by 2050 and new interim targets to reduce emissions by 78% (relative to 1990 levels) by 2035. Last year the Net Zero Strategy was released with detailed actions for each industry across the economy, including targets on gradually phasing out fossil fuels.

The built environment is responsible for about 50% of carbon emissions in the UK. More scrutiny is now given to the whole lifecycle of buildings to see where emissions can be further reduced.

This article explores the importance of embodied carbon, traditional strategies to cut emissions and potential alternatives to be considered.

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Embodied carbon and cement replacement: what are the alternatives? - Greengage Environmental (3)

Figure 1: Life Cycle Assessment (Source: LETI)

As highlighted in LETI (London Energy Transformation Initiative)’s guidance Embodied Carbon primer, the embodied carbon represents an increasing proportion of the whole life carbon of a building to become significant between 40-70% depending on the use of the building.

Embodied carbon and cement replacement: what are the alternatives? - Greengage Environmental (4)

Figure 2: Operational and embodied carbon – Trajectories (Source: LETI)

With the decarbonisation of the electricity grid increasingly relying on renewable energy, the proportion of operational carbon, associated with the in-use operation of the building, is steadily decreasing compared to the embodied carbon (CO2 and other GHGs associated with product, construction, use, end of life). With a fabric first performance approach and energy efficient measures put forward and encouraged, plus the use of renewable technology such as air source heat pumps and PV panels, new buildings have the potential to become ultra-low energy/zero carbon in operations by 2030.

It is shown, when analysing the breakdown of the whole life carbon stages, that the product stage (A1-A3) / and overall upfront carbon phase (A1-A5) account for the largest proportion of carbon over the life cycle of the building. Whereas operational emissions represent only about 25-30% in ultra-low energy buildings.

This analysis shows that embodied carbon is crucial to consider when assessing buildings’ emissions.

The UK is reliant on fossil fuels (gas, oil, and coal) for its production of electricity, with gas being the most exploited (40% in 2021). In the current context of climate emergency, the UK government has committed to phase out coal and to have all new homes banned from installing gas and oil boilers by 2025.

Coal contributed to only 2% of the UK electricity mix in 2020 and 2021, down from 25% five years ago, which shows the progress made by the UK on this front.

Coal production is relevant to this study, as one common cement replacement material, Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA), or fly ash, is a by-product of coal-fired power plants.

When coal power plants were widely used in the UK, it was an innovative process to reuse the waste from the industry into the construction industry, introducing circular economy concepts. The pollution impact extent was however not noticeable yet, and today, the much-needed coal phase-out has put a strain on PFA supply.

Another common cement replacement material used to improve cement properties and reduce embodied carbon is Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS). GGBS is a by-product of steel manufacturing and has been used as partial replacement for Portland cement throughout the 20th century. Nowadays it is still the go-to measure recommended to reduce the embodied carbon of concrete elements.

In September 2017, the UK Government published research on Cement manufacturing: use of fly ash and blast furnace slag, reporting the future availability of fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag for UK cement manufacturing. The paper states that the UK primary steel production has declined significantly in the past two years, reducing the amount of available slag. UK stockpiles of granulated blast furnace slag are small and imports from Asia have steadily increased, driven by an economic price.

Moreover, DSG Consultants reported in July 2021 that India and Turkey have become major sources of blast furnace slag to Western Europe (52% imports in 2020). Demand from these countries is set to increase, as slag demand is on the rise and the European production is under carbon constraints.

Far-distance sourcing goes against the original aim to use slag from steel manufacturing, which is to reduce the embodied carbon of concrete. Besides, the impact on logistics is significant, with increasing size of storage facilities and unloading equipment. The supply chain needs to account for the increase in shipments, which would contribute to further increased embodied carbon emissions.

Both UK coal phase-out and decline in steel production have led to cement replacement supply shortages – materials would need to be imported from other countries, depleting other areas of the world, and significantly increasing transport distances – adding more carbon to the atmosphere. Therefore, advising PFA or GGBS as cement replacement cannot be considered as the main sustainable measure anymore in the UK, as it defeats the purpose of a green economy towards reaching net zero and phasing out fossil fuels as main targets.

Nowadays architects and structural engineers still widely rely on concrete for numerous benefits including speed of construction, strength, and low costs. Building green and reducing carbon emissions is perceived as not compatible with ‘business as usual’, traditional construction and out-of-the-box design is becoming necessary.

Alternative options need to be reviewed at an early stage as part of the Life Cycle Assessment and during Circular Economy discussions between design team members, to see what can be done to minimise embodied carbon without relying on cement replacement.

As described earlier, upfront carbon (modules A1-A5, from the production of raw materials to the construction) is often the most carbon intensive step in the life cycle of a building. This accounts for materials extraction, manufacturing, transport, construction, and installation process (Figure 1).

When focusing on this phase of the life cycle, it is useful to look at big ticket items (Figure 3) that indicate where to focus on when reducing materials impact and therefore carbon emissions.

Materials with the highest embodied carbon content are typically found in the superstructure (upper floors, frame), substructure (foundation, piling) and façade (envelope). Internal walls, finishes and external works also have an embodied carbon impact though not as significant.

Embodied carbon and cement replacement: what are the alternatives? - Greengage Environmental (5)

Figure 3: Big ticket items study for a typical mixed-use development (Source: LETI, Mirko Farnetani)

Considering this, what can already be done in 2022?

In line with the circular economy principle “Conserve resources, increase efficiency and source sustainably”, working on a lean design will help to reduce the quantities of materials used. This is done by the design team at early stage (typically RIBA Stage 2) through an assessment of different options for the structure and big-ticket items including the façade design. The embodied carbon of each option is then reviewed to choose the most appropriate materials and design.

Lean design is already widely implemented in major projects and encouraged by structural engineers. Measures include reduce grids and floor slabs, optimise member utilisations, rationalise, avoid basem*nts and minimise foundation sizes by designing a lightweight superstructure and façade.

Working on lean design in all new buildings would help reduce part of the embodied carbon emissions. It could be developed further with new innovative techniques emerging, such as adoption of new shape of floors that could cut concrete usage by 75%.

There are several alternatives on the market and fresh from the innovation lab that can be explored as a contributor to embodied carbon reduction.

Even low embodied carbon finishes, though representing a small part of the total, can have a positive impact when adding up to the rest of the improvement measures, and help to further reduce emissions. Considering exposed concrete for floors and ceilings is also an effective option to reduce finishes and therefore embodied carbon.

A list of 10 examples is given below to show what is possible to reduce carbon emissions as alternative or additional measures:

  1. Recycled aggregates (RA). Adding RA into concrete can help reduce embodied carbon, however this should be only specified when locally available otherwise the benefits are outweighed by the additional transportation. A low percentage (about 20%) can be used to retain the concrete properties.
  2. External walls recyclable or low embodied carbon blocks: Gablok, clay blocks (for example Ziegel), zero waste and reusable (e.g. Polycare innovation). Mostly used for low rise residential properties, these blocks can be a solution for future high rise in a few years’ time.
    Clay blocks build-up (versus concrete build-up with bricks) can reduce embodied carbon emissions by 30% (Greengage calculations).
  3. New concrete: ultra low carbon concrete, wood concrete developed in France last year. Low carbon concrete solution Align.
  4. Engineered bamboo for structural or decorative elements.
  5. Cladding insulation: recycled polystyrene, Foamglas (minimum 60% recycled and new glass with mixed carbon).
  6. Mushroom materials: ongoing innovative research around fungus for insulation and bricks.
  7. Recycled aluminium. A kilogram of recycled aluminium displaces only 3.5 kilograms of virgin material compared to the 85 kilograms required for virgin aluminium. (Source: Sustainable Building Materials for Low Embodied Carbon | Architect Magazine).
  8. Low embodied carbon plasterboard such as Ecosmart, Fermacell. A drywall made from absorbed carbon dioxide has been launched this month.
  9. Composite window frames instead of aluminium
  10. Timber: timber studs instead of steel, subject to acoustic requirements. Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) instead of concrete.

Moreover, the Environmental Science & Technology journal published an article on Material Diets for Climate-Neutral Construction last month (April 2022) that identify low-carbon and climate-negative materials based on their net Global Warming Potential (GWP). This further helps to understand what materials to use in construction to minimise GHG emissions (see Figure 4 below).

Embodied carbon and cement replacement: what are the alternatives? - Greengage Environmental (6)

Figure 4: Material classification according to the net-GWP value (Source: Environ. Sci. Techno. 2022, 56, 5213-5223)

Sourcing locally materials (less than 15-20km) will help to further reduce embodied carbon emissions (A4 module “Transport to site”).

In addition, on construction site, using EV vehicles for transport and construction will allow to cut A5 emissions.

It is shown that a cross-laminated timber (CLT) structure can emit about 30% less carbon than reinforced concrete structure (independent study).

Considering this significant reduction and the UK green agenda, you may wonder why there are not more timber buildings in the UK?

Fire limitations

In the light of the Grenfell tragedy, the UK government decided to review the building regulations on fire and produced an amendment banning combustible materials (including timber) on all residential buildings over 18 metres high.

Even though feasible for low rise residential developments, the fear and lack of knowledge of timber properties make it difficult to adopt this natural material as a main element of the structure. This is a reason why structural engineers and architects are usually reluctant to use timber as part of the design.


With the emphasis around safety in the UK, and developers having to follow building regulations, timber buildings designers must disclose all facts to the insurer that are material to risk, which is a long process that could result in a non-agreement. Time allocated to this could therefore be lost.

Besides it is believed that rebuilding and repair costs can be increased when timber is used, therefore insurers develop a fear of increasing costs and interrupting timescales if they agree to assure timber buildings, which is why many decide against.

A small revolution is needed in the construction world, where new materials need to be introduced and adopted as best practice throughout the industry to reduce carbon emissions. The necessary change from traditional steel and concrete to more innovative design face several limitations. These include timescales, costs and fire safety, and a general inflexibility, ‘building as usual’ preference in the construction sector mostly due to safety and efficiency concerns from developers, clients and planners. Discussions with contractors also showed the difficulty encountered in supplying innovative construction elements such as low carbon concrete or other green products that cannot be easily found in the UK marketplace.

Research on innovative materials is very active and a switch in mindset is required from professionals and insurers to try new techniques, designs, and materials, to set a new standard for the UK as a leader in zero carbon construction. During projects, more time could be given for research to explore different options at early design stage and select low embodied carbon, cost-effective, and locally sourced materials where feasible.

All team members need to engage in the process of finding non-traditional materials and come together to commit to reduce embodied carbon emissions. With major developments, there would be room to test different options and choose the most carbon efficient path.

Construction professionals need to be bolder and get out of the traced path of concrete with GGBS content and steel ‘business as usual’ design for all buildings.

Finally, a change of policy, along with educational sessions on timber properties, will be required if the UK wants to move forward and build high rise CLT buildings, whereas more timber structures arise in other corners of the Earth, contributing to cutting GHG emissions worldwide.

Written by Manon Dangelser, reviewed by Liz Grove.

Embodied carbon and cement replacement: what are the alternatives? - Greengage Environmental (2024)


How do you reduce embodied carbon in concrete? ›

One of the main methods to reduce embodied carbon is by using more resilient materials that will last longer and are often produced via a more efficient construction process.

What materials have the highest embodied carbon in the built environment? ›

Aluminum, plastics and foam have some of the highest levels of embodied carbon per pound. Even if not used as prevalently as concrete, these materials can still add up to a big environmental impact. On the other end of the spectrum, wood and other bio-based materials have relatively low levels of embodied carbon.

Why does cement have high embodied carbon? ›

The embodied carbon associated with cement comes from two sources: the emissions from the use of fuels and process emissions from the calcination of limestone (e.g.

What is the difference between embodied carbon and carbon footprint? ›

Embodied carbon is the carbon footprint of a material

Whilst a carbon footprint can be used to express the carbon of operating a building, running a car or operating a laptop, embodied carbon cannot.

How can we reduce the environmental impact of concrete? ›

New technologies and approaches are being developed to cut down on concrete's environmental downsides — everything from utilizing industrial by-products to reduce cement usage, to recycling existing concrete, to producing self-healing concretes that reduce the need for new concrete, to creating entirely new materials.

What are the steps taken to reduce carbon footprint of cement? ›

Other ways to reduce carbon emission from cement are using a dry kiln that uses input material with lower moisture content, so less energy is needed to evaporate water. Use of materials like aggregates, pozzolans, water are relatively plentiful and can often be drawn from a local source.

What is the most eco friendly building material? ›

Bamboo. Sustainability experts nearly universally agree bamboo is one of the best eco-friendly building materials on the planet. Its rate of self-generation is incredibly high, with some species growing up to three feet in 24 hours.

How can we reduce the embodied energy of concrete? ›

However, reducing embodied energy of the materials in construction, and within the construction process, has now come into focus as a way of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and global warming. This can be achieved by reducing reducing energy use, replacing fossil with renewable and increasing energy efficiency.

Is there such a thing as environmentally friendly cement? ›

Ashcrete, which uses ash from coal production to create a sustainable aggregate for concrete, also fits in the circular economy. It is a sustainable substitute for traditional concrete that relies on the use of fly ash (a waste byproduct produced in the combustion of coal).

How can we reduce embodied carbon in construction? ›

Strategies to reduce embodied carbon

Designing the construction process to minimise waste and reuse or recycle products where possible. Using systems and products that have long life spans. Designing the building to be able to change its use over time to minimise future refurbishments.

Which cement is more environmentally friendly? ›

Geopolymer concrete—the economical, more durable, and environmentally friendly concrete with a carbon footprint of only about 10% of Portland cement.

What are the 4 5 main carbon footprint categories? ›

The major contributors to carbon footprints are: food, consumption, transportation, and household energy.

What building material has the best carbon footprint? ›

Rammed Earth ranks as the lowest in carbon footprint, as it is basically an ancient technique that only uses natural raw materials such as earth, chalk, lime, and/or gravel. It is considered to be the most sustainable building method.

What are low embodied carbon materials? ›

Low Embodied Carbon Materials
CoatingPlasterClayworks Clay Plasters
Fibrous, Cellulosic, & Granular InsulationFiberglassEcoBatt
Fibrous, Cellulosic, & Granular InsulationFiberglassJet Stream Ultra
Fibrous, Cellulosic, & Granular InsulationMineral FiberSafe
8 more rows

What is an alternative to cement? ›

Alternatives made from recycled materials --- like ferrock, ashcrete, timbercrete, and hempcrete --- tend to require less carbon than concrete and also help to recycle waste materials like steel dust and chaff.

How do you make concrete more environmentally friendly? ›

Making the Concrete Industry Greener

The main opportunity areas to make the concrete industry greener are the following: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing the use of natural resources such as limestones, shale, clay, natural sand and rocks. Reusing waste materials in concrete to reduce pollution.

How can a concrete building be made more environmentally friendly? ›

He says using recycled plastic in reinforced concrete has great environmental savings. “Steel is often used as a reinforcing agent for this type of concrete, and is very energy-intensive. Using plastic to reinforce concrete instead of steel can reduce carbon dioxide production by about 50%.

What are 4 examples of strategies to reduce carbon emissions? ›

There are many ways humankind can pitch in to help reduce carbon emissions:
  • Reduce air travel. ...
  • Make your driving more efficient. ...
  • Plant trees. ...
  • Switch to clean energy. ...
  • Eat less red meat. ...
  • Make your home more energy-efficient.
7 Jun 2021

What are the two main methods to mitigate carbon emissions? ›

There are two main ways to stop the amount of greenhouse gases from increasing: we can stop adding them to the air, and we can increase the Earth's ability to pull them out of the air. This is called climate mitigation.

What strategies can be used to reduce carbon emissions? ›

  • 20 tips on reducing your carbon footprint. Now that we've got a more detailed understanding of carbon emissions and climate change, let's look at some ways to reduce your carbon footprint. ...
  • Insulate your home. ...
  • Switch to renewables. ...
  • Buy energy efficient. ...
  • Use less water. ...
  • Change your diet. ...
  • Turn off the lights. ...
  • Go digital.
12 Jan 2021

What are 5 green building materials? ›

Green building materials
  • Stone. Living in a stone structure is low maintenance and eco-friendly, and any extra stone leftover from the build can be used for home finishings such as countertops or tile. ...
  • Cob. ...
  • Bamboo. ...
  • Cork. ...
  • Adobe brick. ...
  • Straw bale. ...
  • Cordwood. ...
  • Earth bags.
11 Aug 2022

What are alternative building materials? ›

Alternative Building Materials can be defined as materials other than cement blocks or clay bricks that can offer similar or superior quality housing (Windapo & Goulding, 2013).

What are the different ways to reduce the energy in buildings? ›

Reduce Energy Consumption Through Building Design and Layout
  • Plant Shade Trees Outside Your Office. ...
  • Minimize Artificial Lighting and Make Use of Skylight Windows. ...
  • Install Programmable Thermostat. ...
  • Use Air Compressors. ...
  • Consider Heat Recovery. ...
  • Evaluate Hot Water Heaters. ...
  • Install Motion Sensitive Light Switches. ...
  • LED Lighting.
26 Oct 2016

What are some 3 Ways building design can reduce energy loss? ›

Overall, there are numerous strategies to increase energy efficiency. These steps include: Using proper amounts of insulation in the walls and roof, being sure to reference regional standards. Properly weatherizing the building using weather stripping and caulking.

What is the most sustainable building method? ›

The most sustainable building method is using eco-friendly materials and prefabricating them in controlled environments. This method reduces waste and the energy required to construct a building.

What materials are safe for environmentally friendly? ›

The Most Eco-Friendly Materials
  • Bamboo Fiber. ...
  • Bamboo Hardwood. ...
  • Cork. ...
  • Teak. ...
  • Bioplastic Compostables. ...
  • Hemp. ...
  • Organic Cotton. ...
  • Soybean Fabric.

What is the most energy efficient building material? ›

The Most Energy-Efficient Materials from which to Build a House
  • PIR Foam Energy Bricks. ...
  • Straw and Stucco. ...
  • Compressed Soil. ...
  • Structural Insulated Panels. ...
  • Vacuum Insulation Panels. ...
  • Plant-Based Polyurethane Insulation. ...
  • Low-Emissive Windows. ...
  • Plastic Composite Wood-Substitute.

What is a green alternative to cement? ›


Hempcrete is a relatively new and biodegradable alternative to concrete. Hemp fibers when mixed with lime and water, create a concrete-like material, but lighter and stronger. Lime releases about 80% less carbon as compared to traditional cement and therefore Hempcrete can be said to test carbon negative.

Why is cement not environmentally friendly? ›

In recent years, recycled materials mostly available in abundant quantities in local agricultural fields are considered as potential constituent material for concrete production. Also, cement production emits many toxic gases in the atmosphere, which causes environmental pollution and greenhouse gases.

Can cement be made with renewable energy? ›

The pilot is the first successful calcination and, more importantly, the first successful clinkerization ever achieved using only solar energy. The clinker was used to produce cement and was then further processed to produce concrete.

What building materials significantly reduce the embodied energy? ›

Materials with the lowest embodied energy intensities, such as concrete, bricks and timber, are usually consumed in large quantities. Materials with high energy content such as stainless steel are often used in much smaller amounts.

Which type of cement is greenest? ›

Green Cement is an eco-friendly cement that uses a carbon-negative process of manufacturing. The major raw materials used to produce green cement include mostly the discarded waste from the industry. The slag from the blast furnace and fly ash are the chief materials used in the manufacturing of green cement.

What is sustainable cement? ›

Sustainable cements can be designed by partially replacing clinker content with non hazardous waste. Indeed, recycling process can transform waste in secondary raw materials that work as new cement constituents usually leading to sustainable binders with peculiar environmental resistances.

How can we reduce carbon in construction? ›

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) regularly maintained and updated can help reduce a buildings carbon footprint by being as efficient as they can be without wasting excess energy. Installing low energy humidifiers instead of electric steam ones will also help.

Does concrete have high embodied carbon? ›

Concrete is one of the main contributors to the embodied carbon footprint of most buildings and infrastructure assets.

What are the possible concrete steps that can be done to reduce the carbon footprint left in the environment in your home? ›

Most of these are fairly quick and easy to implement, meaning you can start living a more eco-friendly life in no time at all:
  • Insulate your home. ...
  • Switch to renewables. ...
  • Buy energy efficient. ...
  • Use less water. ...
  • Change your diet. ...
  • Turn off the lights. ...
  • Cycle to work. ...
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.
12 Jan 2021

Does concrete have low embodied carbon? ›

Low embodied carbon constituents

Concrete is a low carbon material. Its versatility, performance and local availability has resulted in it being the second most consumed material globally (after water).

What are 4 examples of strategies to reduce carbon emissions? ›

There are many ways humankind can pitch in to help reduce carbon emissions:
  • Reduce air travel. ...
  • Make your driving more efficient. ...
  • Plant trees. ...
  • Switch to clean energy. ...
  • Eat less red meat. ...
  • Make your home more energy-efficient.
7 Jun 2021

How do we reduce the use of embodied energy in a building? ›

However, reducing embodied energy of the materials in construction, and within the construction process, has now come into focus as a way of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and global warming. This can be achieved by reducing reducing energy use, replacing fossil with renewable and increasing energy efficiency.

What are 7 ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint? ›

7 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
  • Cut Out Meat and Dairy. Adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet is one of the most effective ways to reduce your impact on climate change. ...
  • Eat and Shop Locally. ...
  • Minimize Plastics and Packaging. ...
  • Avoid Fast Fashion. ...
  • Minimize Electricity Use. ...
  • Travel More Efficiently. ...
  • Recycle.
15 Feb 2017

What is more environmentally friendly than concrete? ›

Steel by-products

Iron Shell, another startup, created the material known as Ferrock from waste steel dust. It is five times stronger and more flexible than cement. Moreover, it is far more resistant and sustainable, making it a promising substitute to cement.

How do you make concrete eco friendly? ›

Fly Ash is mixed with lime and water to make it strong and durable, similar to conventional cement. Use of fly ash in Ashcrete makes it an environment friendly alternative, since it can replace cement which in turn leads to reduced CO2 emissions.

Is building with concrete environmentally friendly? ›

Concrete is a sustainable building material – providing energy efficiency, long-life cycle, lower life-cycle costs and resilience following natural and man-made disasters.

Which of the following the most impactful action you can take to reduce your carbon footprint is? ›

Choose energy-efficient appliances

While choosing a renewable energy provider is the first thing you should consider when trying to reduce your carbon footprint at home, using energy efficient appliances can cut your greenhouse gas contributions even further.

Which is the best practice to reduce the effect of climate change? ›

Changing our main energy sources to clean and renewable energy is the best way to stop using fossil fuels. These include technologies like solar, wind, wave, tidal and geothermal power. Switch to sustainable transport. Petrol and diesel vehicles, planes and ships use fossil fuels.

What are 10 things we can change to reduce greenhouse effect? ›

Things we can do to reduce greenhouse gases
  • Keep fossil fuels in the ground. ...
  • Switch to electric vehicles fast. ...
  • Be energy-efficient citizens. ...
  • Use renewables to power the world. ...
  • Change our diets. ...
  • Double the area of forests and restore habitats in the UK. ...
  • Stop funding fossil fuels overseas. ...
  • Empower women.

Why is concrete not environmentally friendly? ›

The cement industry is one of the main producers of carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas. Concrete causes damage to the most fertile layer of the earth, the topsoil. Concrete is used to create hard surfaces which contribute to surface runoff that may cause soil erosion, water pollution and flooding.

Is steel or concrete worse for the environment? ›

Steel. Of all the metals used in construction, steel is amongst the most environmentally-friendly. It has a lower embodied carbon impact than concrete and generates less waste.

What building material has the lowest carbon footprint? ›

Rammed Earth ranks as the lowest in carbon footprint, as it is basically an ancient technique that only uses natural raw materials such as earth, chalk, lime, and/or gravel. It is considered to be the most sustainable building method.

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.