Fiduciary Responsibility of Nonprofit Board Members (2024)

One of the primary responsibilities of any nonprofit board member is to maintain the financial integrity of the organization they serve. Board members act as trustees of the organization’s assets and must exercise due diligence and oversight to ensure that the nonprofit is well-managed and that its financial status remains sound.¹

In this article, we’re going to take a look at the best ways a board member can fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.

What Is A Fiduciary?

Websters defines fiduciary as a trustee (noun), and as follows: involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary (adjective). In other words, it is a relationship where one party is legally accountable to the other to serve its interests before their own.

BoardSource says it this way:

Fiduciary duty requires board members to stay objective, unselfish, responsible, honest, trustworthy, and efficient. Board members, as stewards of public trust, must always act for the good of the organization, rather than for the benefit of themselves. They need to exercise reasonable care in all decision making, without placing the organization under unnecessary risk.

Being a fiduciary obviously includes the financial aspects of a nonprofit. Each board member has a responsibility to ensure, to the best of their ability, that all funds are handled and accounted for in a transparent and compliant manner. That includes a number financial fronts, which we’ll look at next.


Boards of Directors should be the ones who set the organization’s budget each year. With larger nonprofits, it’s not uncommon to see a specific committee compile the annual budget, often with the participation of staff members who directly handle funds. Whether or not the budget is put together by others and presented to the board for approval, or the board members develop the budget directly themselves, it should be the board that signs off on the annual expenditure picture for the upcoming year.

Too many times, we see nonprofits with no written budget, and no oversight by the board. That amounts to a dereliction of duty, and does nothing to relieve the board members from financial responsibility. Ignorance is a choice, not an excuse.

Payroll / Compensation

One of the most important responsibilities of a board of directors is establishing compensation guidelines. This can get a little confusing as to where the customary lines are drawn. We’ve seen plenty of situations where the board does all the staff hiring. That’s probably OK in a smaller charity, but once you start having significant numbers of staff members, that becomes impractical.

What’s important is for the board to set parameters for each staff position, not necessarily each staff person. Again, the legwork might be done by a committee for board approval. The key point is that the IRS limits nonprofit salaries to what it calls reasonable compensation. It’s a fairly vague standard, but salaries should be tied directly to job descriptions, be comparable to similar positions in similar organizations, and be within the financial means of the nonprofit. This is especially important for Executive compensation.

Accounting / Reporting

Nonprofits are required by law to account for income and expenditures with compliant bookkeeping practices, and report annually via Form 990 (federal) and possibly at the state level as well. Your organization needs to be able to produce accurate, standardized financial reports, such as an Income Statement (Profit/Loss) and a Balance Sheet (or Statement of Financial Position). If it cannot, then it is likely that your accounting practices are not up to snuff.

Again, this is the responsibility of the board to ensure proper accounting and reporting is happening at all times. It’s great to farm out the task itself, and that’s usually advisable. Foundation Group provides bookkeeping services for many, many organizations. The point is less about who does it, and more about the fact that it must be done, and done the right way.


Most smaller nonprofits aren’t too concerned with investing activity. They’re too concerned about having enough resources to keep the programs operating. But for medium-sized and larger organizations, investments are a typical part of their financial picture.

What many board members don’t know, however, is that the IRS and most states’ Charity Divisions require nonprofits to satisfy the Prudent Man Rule in investing. The Prudent Man Rule basically means that investments by a 501(c)(3) should not be excessively risky, with real balance between risk and return…preferably giving the risk side even more consideration.

We often get questions as to whether or not a nonprofit can invest in the stock market. Yes, they can. There is no prohibition on that. But, if the average charity is contemplating investing in securities, deciding between an index fund or penny stocks should yield the more conservative choice.

Handling of Funds

This one often gets overlooked until it bites someone. How money is handled within an organization is one of the most important aspects of fiduciary responsibility. I’m talking about both literal handling, and virtual handling.

Literal, or physical, handling involves who is touching the money. Virtual means accounting for it. Whether it’s cash from sales, or checks that come in from donors, it is crucial to have multiple accountability. That means at least two, independent people need to be involved in money handling and accounting…sometimes more. Having only one person who is responsible for counting, spending, and accounting for the funds is a recipe for disaster.

Many years ago in the early days of Foundation Group, I was hired by a local historic home charity to come in and reconcile their books each month and compile financial reports. Before I was brought in, all financial activity was conducted by the nonprofit’s administrative assistant. It didn’t take me long to discover significant problems. As I dug into the records, the problems got worse. Eventually, I was able to prove that the administrative assistant had been skimming cash from the gift shop for a long time…to the tune of over $60,000! But because no one else was involved in the money, she was never caught. To make matters worse, the board chose not to legally pursue the thief because they didn’t want to look bad to their major donors for shirking their fiduciary duty.

Having multiple accountability also protects your staff and volunteers. When only one person is involved, and an irregularity is discovered, they’re almost always guilty until proven innocent. That’s not fair to put someone in that position.

What's the Penalty for Failing in a Fiduciary Capacity

The cost of failing at your fiduciary duty depends on the situation, and the expected level of responsibility any one board member should have.

The IRS can hold board members personally liable for Intermediate Sanctions penalties for allowing excess private benefit to occur. This usually involves unreasonable compensation to someone who is both a board member and an employee. It could also occur if the board decides to do business with another board member’s outside company without properly allowing for competing alternatives. These situations are considered inurement and are prohibited under penalty of Intermediate Sanctions, which are fines levied directly against the director, not the charity. They can go as high as 200% of the amount of excess benefit. In fairness, they are rarely assessed. But given the choice, the prudent thing for every board is to ensure due diligence is exercised when any type of money is being paid to an insider.

The other risk is legal. People get sued all the time. If a board flagrantly allows financial mismanagement, it is possible directors could be sued by donors or by members of the organization. It happens in churches, schools, HOAs, etc. Again, the risk is very, very small if the board puts the measures in place that they are required to in the first place.


Fiduciary accountability is not something to be feared, but rather, something to be understood. I’ve met great people who would make incredible board members who won’t do it for fear of this. That’s not necessary.

The standards and guidelines are there. Understanding what’s expected, and putting forth your best good faith effort to make sure things are handled properly is simply your job as a board member, as doing that alleviates virtually all reasonable risk.

Go and serve!

Fiduciary Responsibility of Nonprofit Board Members (2024)


Fiduciary Responsibility of Nonprofit Board Members? ›

Board members act as trustees of the organization's assets and must exercise due diligence and oversight to ensure that the organization is well-managed and that its financial situation remains sound.

What are the fiduciary duties of non profit board members? ›

When you agree to serve on a nonprofit organization's board, you assume a number of responsibilities to the organization and a series of fiduciary duties (legal obligations) on its behalf. Specifically, a director is obligated to fulfill three primary fiduciary duties – loyalty, care and obedience.

What are the three fiduciary duties of a board of directors? ›

Specifically, they have to comply with three fiduciary duties: care, obedience and loyalty. If board members understand and embrace these responsibilities, they can fulfill those duties and hold their fellow board members accountable to do the same.

Do board members owe fiduciary duty? ›

Directors owe fiduciary duties to common stockholders in preference to preferred stockholders. Under ordinary circ*mstances, the board owes fiduciary duties to preferred and common stockholders equally.

Who has the ultimate fiduciary responsibility in a non profit organization? ›

A fiduciary is someone acting on the behalf of another based on an expectation of trust. A nonprofit's board is the central decision making body for the organization. It has ultimate responsibility and accountability for the organization's actions.

What should nonprofit board members not do? ›

Table of contents
  • Failing to Understand Fiduciary Duties.
  • Failing to Provide Effective Oversight.
  • Deference to the Executive Committee, Board Chair, or the Organization's Founder.
  • Micro-managing Staff.
  • Avoiding The Hard Questions.
  • Insufficient Conflict Management.
  • Lack of Awareness of Laws Governing Tax-Exempts.
Feb 20, 2022

What happens when a board member breaches fiduciary duty? ›

Such activity is potentially financially damaging to the company. Furthermore, fiduciaries may face penalties for breaching their assigned duties. The plaintiffs may be able to sue these individuals for damages in a California court for violating their responsibilities.

Do nonprofit directors have fiduciary duties? ›

In addition, all decisions of the members of the board are made in light of four primary fiduciary duties owed by all directors to the organizations they serve. Those duties are as follows: (1) the duty of care; (2) the duty of inquiry; (3) the duty of loyalty; and (4) the duty to follow investment standards.

Are nonprofit board members financially responsible? ›

The good news is that, with certain exceptions, once your organization is incorporated, its directors or trustees, officers, employees, and volunteers usually won't be on the hook personally for the nonprofit's debts or liabilities.

What are the 5 fiduciary duties of directors? ›

Specifically, fiduciary duties may include the duties of care, confidentiality, loyalty, obedience, and accounting. 5.

What is the fiduciary duty of a 501c3? ›

Fiduciary duty requires board members to stay objective, responsible, honest, trustworthy, and efficient. They are expected to exercise reasonable care in all decision-making and avoid placing the organization under unnecessary risk.

What is the most important responsibility of a nonprofit board? ›

One of the board's foremost responsibilities is to secure adequate resources for the organization to fulfill its mission. Protect assets and provide proper financial oversight. The board must assist in developing the annual budget and ensuring that proper financial controls are in place.

Are non profit board members fiduciaries? ›

Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission.

Who holds the most power in a non profit organization? ›

Typically, a nonprofit has three officers serving the role of President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officer roles and their terms should be specifically defined in the organization's bylaws. The President. The President heads up the board and supervises all of the business and affairs of the board.

What is a nonprofit fiduciary? ›

The board of a nonprofit organization is responsible for managing the financial aspects of the organization and making primary decisions for the nonprofit. Because they act on behalf of the organization through a position of trust, the members are called fiduciaries.

What are the three primary legal duties of a nonprofit board of directors known as? ›

Nonprofit board members have the legal responsibility to meet the duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty of obedience.

Is the board of directors legally responsible for the nonprofit organization? ›

Your nonprofit board of directors is the legal governing body of the nonprofit. This means they may need to make some legal decisions concerning the organization. Your board needs to be aware of all of the legal requirements that apply to the organization and oversee that those requirements are met.

How many board members does a nonprofit need IRS? ›

The IRS generally requires a minimum of three board members for every nonprofit, but does not dictate board term length.

Do board members have financial responsibility? ›

It is the board's responsibility to ensure that the organization has sufficient cash on hand to pay its operating expenses, such as salaries, payroll taxes and out-of-pocket costs, in a timely manner throughout the year.

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