Group payouts broken (2024)

Group payouts broken - Website Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox
Group payouts broken (1)


Group payouts broken (2024)


Does Roblox take a percentage of group payouts? ›

All revenue from the game goes to group funds. (If you have percentage payouts on, some will go to whoever that person is.) Go to Configure Group > Revenue > Recurring Payout.

Why can't I do group payouts on Roblox? ›

The problem you are experiencing is because the group is new. You need to wait 2-3 weeks for this problem to pass. Because your group is controlling and verifing by roblox.

How long do you have to be in a group to get payouts? ›

Search for the user by username, click on them, and enter the amount you desire to payout. And press distribute. The robux is now on it's way. Note: Users must have been in the group for at least 2 weeks to be paid out to.

How to make a group payout on Roblox? ›

Click the ⋯ button in the upper-right corner and select Configure Group. In the left column, hover over Revenue and then click Payouts. From the payouts screen, initiate a recurring payout or one‑time payout. Group owners can configure recurring payouts to automatically share profits when the group earns them.

Does Roblox take 40 percent? ›

Selling Limiteds: As a reminder, when selling anything on Roblox, the item creator, the seller, and Roblox receive a split of every transaction as follows: 30% to creator. 40% to seller/affiliate. 30% to Roblox.

How much is 80 Robux with tax? ›

Normally, 80 Robux costs about $1 USD before tax. To get the exact cost with tax, you'll need to know the sales tax rate in your area. Let's say your local sales tax rate is 8%. That would add about $0.08 to the purchase, making the total around $1.08.

How to get pending Robux faster? ›

There is no way to speed it up. It can take from 5 days to 21 days. In my experience, pending robux usually takes a week. However, depending on the amount of robux pending, it may take longer.

How long do group funds pend in Roblox? ›

It can take from 5 days to 21 days. Pending Robux is a feature added for a better moderation flow as its a bit harder to just take robux away after they have been spend by a different user.

Is a Roblox group a one time payment? ›

Group creation requires a one-time payment of 100 Robux, per group. If the requirements are met, creating a group is fairly simple. Once on this page, fill out the Name, Description and Emblem sections.

What are group premium payouts on Roblox? ›

-The more time premium users spend on your game, the more robux you earn. -This encourages developers to make premium-only benefits. -This encourages players to get premium for the premium benefits. -This gives roblox more money while giving us more robux. It's a win-win!

How does Roblox group funds work? ›

Group Revenue Management

All raised money goes directly to the group, regardless of which member raised it. The group owner can manage who can make purchases on behalf of the group by assigning their roles the Spend Group Funds permission.

How do I transfer Robux to another account? ›

There is no system in place to transfer items or Robux between your accounts.

Is there a Roblox group that gives you Robux? ›

No, there are no Roblox groups that officially give out Robux for free. Any group or individual claiming to give away free Robux is likely a scam and should be avoided. The only legitimate way to get Robux is by purchasing them through the Roblox website or by participating in official Roblox events and promotions.

Can you put Robux into group funds? ›

To start, make sure you're a group member with the necessary permissions. You or someone in the group must then create a purchasable item in the group's store. Set the price to the number of Robux you wish to add to the group funds. Finally, buy that item with your own Robux.

Does Roblox take 30 percent? ›

Roblox is also planning to let developers offer in-experience subscriptions sometime soon — a feature that the company already teased earlier this year. (Roblox will take a 30 percent cut from subscriptions, CNBC reports.)

What percentage of earnings does Roblox take? ›

As of September 2023, app store fees accounted for 22.3 percent of each dollar spent on the Roblox gaming platform. On average, Roblox pays developers and creators approximately 28.9 cents per dollar spent, with developer exchange payout accounting for 24.5 percent of the total payout.

Does Roblox take 70 percent of Robux? ›

Roblox takes a 30% marketplace fee from most transactions. This means if you sell an item or a service on Roblox, you'll receive 70% of the robux, while Roblox keeps 30%. This fee supports the platform's development, safety features, and the creation of new tools for developers and players.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.