HEE response to DHSC announcement of HEE and NHSE/I merger (2024)

A statement from HEEChief Executive, DrNavina Evans, in response to the announcement by the Department of Health and Social Care that HEE will merge with NHS England and Improvement.

“The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care hasdecided thatHealth Education England (HEE) will mergewith NHS England and NHS Improvementto create a single, better organisation withworkforce right atit*heart.

HEE has long argued that the NHS needs tobetteralign service, financial and workforce planning. This move means those systems willbe integrated at national, regionaland ICS levels, simplifying the national leadership of the NHS and creating greater synergy around the People Plan, education and training, our reform programme,and workforce transformation.

This will help us to better supportcolleaguesto recruit the health professionals they need to deliver exceptional patient care, both now and in the future.”

The DHSC press release can be found here.

HEE response to DHSC announcement of HEE and NHSE/I merger (2024)
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