How Many Cups in a Pound of Dog Food? | French Bulldog Owner (2024)


When you’re raising a puppy into a healthy adult dog you will read various guidelines as to how much food you should need to feed them. Much of the advice will tell you how many cups you need to use. For budgeting and planning reasons, pounds to cup measurements are also very important. With that in mind, I decided to find out for myself how many cups are in a pound of dog food.

How many cups of dog food is in a pound? A standard sized cup can hold 5 ounces of dry dog food. That means there is just over 3 cups in a pound of dog food. Cups and mugs will vary in size, so some degree of variance must be applied. If in doubt, please weigh your dog’s food properly before feeding.

Calculating how many cups of dry dog food in a pound

I filled up a cup with some of our dog’s dry food, then emptied it out into some weighing scales. The kibble food I am using here is Royal Canin’s French Bulldog variety.

You can see a photo below.

How Many Cups in a Pound of Dog Food? | French Bulldog Owner (1)

I didn’t fill it completely to the top as some cups and mugs will vary in size, but it’s not too far off being completely full.

You can now see below where I emptied the cup of dry food into our weighing scales. Claude the French Bulldog was really interested in the experiment as you can see!

How Many Cups in a Pound of Dog Food? | French Bulldog Owner (2)

Once I had managed to get Claude’s nose away from the dry food (our cat even tried to get involved!) I was able to see exactly how much a cup of dog food weighs.

You can see a close up of the weight measurement in the photo below. A cup of dog food holds 5 ounces (150 grams).

How Many Cups in a Pound of Dog Food? | French Bulldog Owner (3)

Now that I knew how many ounces of dry dog food were in one cup, I could do my calculations as follows.

The calculation process

There are 16 ounces in 1 pound. We already know that an average sized cup can hold 5 ounces of dry dog food. 5 ounces is 0.31 pounds. That means you can get just over 3 cups into 1 pound.

It’s not exact, so for those of you that like exact numbers, if you multiply 0.31 pounds by 3 cups, that gives you 0.93 pounds. There’s no real need to quibble too much with this – as you can see, 3 cups of dog food equals nearly 1 pound so it’s a good guide to follow.

Using this same calculation method I’ve also estimated the following answers to other commonly asked questions relating to how many cups of dog food are in a pound.

  • How many cups of dog food in a 40-pound bag?As there are 640 ounces in 40 pounds, we need to divide 640 by 5 (as there are 5 ounces in 1 cup). This means you can get around 128 cups of dog food in a 40-pound bag.
  • How many cups of dog food in a 30-pound bag?As there are 480 ounces in 30 pounds, we need to divide 480 by 5 (as there are 5 ounces in 1 cup). This means you can get around 96 cups of dog food in a 30-pound bag.
  • How many cups in 25 pounds of dog food?As there are 400 ounces in 25 pounds, we need to divide 400 by 5 (as there are 5 ounces in 1 cup). This means you can get around 80 cups of dog food in a 25-pound bag.
  • How many cups are in a 15-pound bag of dog food?As there are 240 ounces in 15 pounds, we need to divide 240 by 5 (as there are 5 ounces in 1 cup). This means you can get around 48 cups of dog food in a 15-pound bag.
  • How many cups are in a 12-pound bag of dog food?As there are 192 ounces in 12 pounds, we need to divide 192 by 5 (as there are 5 ounces in 1 cup). This means you can get around 38 cups of dog food in a 12-pound bag.
  • How many cups are in a 10-pound bag of dog food?As there are 160 ounces in 10 pounds, we need to divide 160 by 5 (as there are 5 ounces in 1 cup). This means you can get around 32 cups of dog food in a 10-pound bag.
  • How many cups are in a 5-pound bag of dog food?As there are 80 ounces in 5 pounds, we need to divide 80 by 5 (as there are 5 ounces in 1 cup). This means you can get around 16 cups of dog food in a 5-pound bag.

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If you are the owner of a French Bulldog puppy then there is a strict feeding schedule and timeline you need to stick to. You can read that on the link below (it also includes a downloadable feeding chart).

  • How much should I feed by Frenchie puppy?


I decided to do this experiment due to the wide range of different answers available on the Internet, all of which seemed to say different things.

It took me only a couple of minutes, and it’s something that I recommend you do too.

Dogs should be kept on a strict diet. Over-feeding can lead to a range of health problems including diabetes (here’s a list of common dog health problems), so you need to take extra special care not to give them more than they need. We also supplement a little bit of fruit into our Frenchie’s diet, but this is for more of a snack and treat than a daily food source.

Handy Hint: Some fruits can be toxic and dangerous for dogs. Read this guide to 41 fruits including which ones are safe and which ones should be avoided in a dog’s diet.

In all honesty, I don’t believe we should use cups and mugs as measurements for feeding dogs. We have a range of different sized cups in our own kitchen, so when you’re told to feed your dog a certain number of cups, what exactly does that mean?

Can you see what I am saying? Who truly knows what sized cups the breeders and vets base their guidance on?

The best thing to do is to go off a weight measurement – this is what we do with Claude the Frenchie!

But, at least you now have a very rough idea on how many cups are in a pound of dog food, plus the standard sized bags available on the market.


How Many Cups in a Pound of Dog Food? | French Bulldog Owner (2024)
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