How to come up with side project ideas 💡 (2024)

How to come up with side project ideas 💡 (3)

Yesterday morning, someone emailed me asking for side project ideas. His question was particularly fitting as I sipped Philz coffee, sheltered from the downpour in San Francisco. Rainy weekends are the best days for side projects. 😊

I’m a big fan of side projects. They’re a great vehicle for expression, similar to how an artist communicates through their art. They can make you a better engineer, designer, marketer, or salesperson. Side projects can even turn into a business (Product Hunt started as a side project).

The email got me thinking of places to look inspiration. Here are a few ways to come up with side project ideas:

  1. Reflect on your day-to-day. Often the best ideas come from one’s own experiences. Write a detailed diary of everything you do in a typical day and identify things that could be improved. It could be something important (e.g. what tasks to prioritize in your day) or relatively small (e.g. deciding whether to bike or take an Uber to work).
  2. Ask your friends. Run through the same exercise above with your friends. Try to find frustrations or pain points that could be eliminated.
  3. Explore emerging platforms. I used to work in video games as Facebook’s games platform (and cow clicking) was on the rise. I would comb through Facebook’s API and developer docs to identify new, creative ways to built within their platform. As platforms emerge and evolve, new opportunities arise. Today I might explore Google Home, Alexa, or Facebook Messenger.
  4. Browse Product Hunt. Ok, I’m a little biased with this suggestion but great ideas are often built off each other. Products created today will inspire the next Snapchat, directly and indirectly. Also check out Kickstarter and Show HN.
  5. Explore GitHub. Even if you’re not a programmer, GitHub can be a great source for inspiration. Browse trending repo’s for new ideas or projects to join.
  6. Turn a feature into a standalone product. Look at some of your favorite apps, sites, or products. Can you repurpose and improve upon one of its features as a standalone product? For example, Medium has created an elegant way to share and present comments inline. Perhaps others would like to add this functionality to their site. Note: This side project already exists. 😊
  7. Go to a hackathon. While an obvious suggestion, this list wouldn’t be sufficient if excluded. Hackathons are designed for side projects; a motivating place to share ideas with other enthusiastic makers.
  8. Read the internet. It’s difficult to manufacture a truly great idea in a whiteboarding session. Sometimes they’re serendipitous, triggered by stories and changes in the world. Read the news and blog posts to increase the chances of discovering new ideas.

How do you come up with side project ideas?

I’d love to hear your ideas (simply hit respond below) and if any of these tactics help lead you to your next side project, please let me know! 🙏🏼

How to come up with side project ideas 💡 (2024)


How to come up with side project ideas 💡? ›

Often the best ideas come from one's own experiences. Write a detailed diary of everything you do in a typical day and identify things that could be improved. It could be something important (e.g. what tasks to prioritize in your day) or relatively small (e.g. deciding whether to bike or take an Uber to work).

How do you come up with a good project idea? ›

The first step to generate new project ideas is to identify the problem you want to solve or the opportunity you want to seize. You need to have a clear understanding of who your target audience is, what their needs and pain points are, and how your project can address them.

How do you come up with a side project? ›

Research a side project idea

Successful side projects may focus on things you're passionate about and be a great source of self-fulfillment. Read several books, blogs and articles on the topic to learn about what successful people have done in similar situations.

How do you come up with a project idea in CS? ›

a) Identify your interests and strengths within CSE. b) Research current trends and emerging technologies in the field. c) Discuss project ideas with professors, peers, and industry professionals. d) Consider the project's feasibility, scope, and potential impact.

What are 3 things that make a project successful? ›

Successful projects are those that 1) meet business requirements, 2) are delivered and maintained on schedule, 3) are delivered and maintained within budget, and 4) deliver the expected business value and return on investment.

What is a good side project? ›

Organizing meetups, dinners, parties, networking drinks, conferences, or any other type of event can be a great side venture.

Why do you want to build a side project? ›

Side projects allow you to experience and learn new things that your daily work might not. They help you learn new techniques or, through deliberate practice, improve your current skills. They encourage your creativity. Side projects allow you to work without any constraints.

What is a good final year project? ›

1. AI Chatbot for Mental Health Support. First on the list of project ideas for final year B Tech students is an empathetic one that helps people on a large scale. This project isn't just about writing code, it's about creating a digital haven for mental well-being.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.