How to Value A Professional Sports Franchise | Sports Value Consulting (2025)

Why do I need a Sports Franchise Valuation?

In its most basic form, the definition of the value of a team can be best described as what an individual is willing to pay. However it can be a complicated process with multiple variables when attempting to fix a hypothetical value to a professional sports franchise. Most people in the business of sports agree that traditional financial metrics cannot be used when attempting to predict what anyone is willing to pay for the acquisition of one of these unique assets. Valuing a franchise is particularly difficult, since there is a large disparity between big market and small market teams and the league-wide revenue sharing is evolving to balance the wide chasm of financial differences between teams.

Additionally, there is no industry publication reliably instructive as to what the true value of major league professional franchises are since most professional franchises are privately owned and do not publish annual financial statements. Publications that currently attempt to value professional sports franchises are usually operating on data that is publicly available, such as attendance and average pricing for tickets sold or other information, that is anecdotally available.

Sports Value Consulting can assist with valuations being needed for different reasons including:
Mergers & acquisitions

Estate Planning
Commercial Litigation & other Legal Issues
Shareholder agreements and disputes
Sports Franchise Valuation Methods
Investment bankers, brokers, and sports consultants representing potential buyers have traditionally used a wide array of data points when trying to determine a recommended acquisition price for professional sports franchises. None of the information is used in a singular fashion, and a great deal of thought is put into how all the information and measurable inputs to be acquired interact with each other both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Many of the teams are cash flow and EBITDA negative, so universally trying to apply multiples of these data points is usually an effort in futility. In recent years, professionals in the industry have retrospectively looked at recent sales transactions, measured the sale as a multiple of a team’s revenues, and tried to apply this standard as a measure of the hypothetical future value of future transactions. While this method has been used by some sports industry experts to justify a franchise asking price, buyers have not solely relied on this metric as a benchmark empirical data in assessing a proposed transaction price.

There are three approaches to valuing a professional sports team are income, market and cost.
The Income Approach involves a projection of cash flow through a discrete period and a residual value assumed to be earned at the end of the investment-holding period. The future cash-flow is discounted at a rate-of-return commensurate with all the risk expected in the team.
The Market Approach involves a comparison of the subject team to other franchises which have sold. Adjustments to the sales price of other teams may be warranted based on known differences in operations, marketplace, and upside potential.
The Cost Approach involves estimating the value of the franchise based on what it would cost to reassemble the tangible and intangible assets and reestablish the business. This method is not used as there is a limited number of teams, and an investor cannot reestablish a team.

Asset Valuation

An Asset Valuation, i.e. Purchase Price Allocation, is a recommendation as to the Fair Value of the assets acquired in a team. The purpose of this valuation is to meet both tax and financial reporting requirements. This type of analysis is complex, and a thorough understanding of the accounting and tax rules is required.

No other firm has performed more purchase price allocations in the last decade than SVC. We have performed over 40 of these types of valuations for teams across North America and the United Kingdom.

When considering other firms, ask if the people directly involved with the team have performed this type of work for a team in their league. Many firms have been around for decades, but the people with the knowledge and experience have left. Furthermore, teams need to inquire if this work will be outsourced to another valuation firm. SVC has direct knowledge of several entities that outsource their valuation work.

Additional Valuation Drivers And Considerations

In addition to the previously discussed methodologies there are several other factors that can impact the valuation of a franchise. These include:
Strength of the League, including new opportunities for revenue for the teams; popularity of the League versus other professional sports leagues
Ability of the team to generate positive cash flow
Recent trends in transactions
Management of the team
Location of the team
Contractual obligated income of the organization (naming rights, local media, suites, and sponsorships)
Competition in the market from teams from other leagues (NHL, NBA, MLB & MLS).
The price one buyer is willing to pay for a professional sports franchise might be higher than what other buyers are willing to pay. Sports franchises are trophy assets with very limited availability and uber wealthy individuals have often developed their own rationale for determining price.

How to Value A Professional Sports Franchise | Sports Value Consulting (2025)


How do you determine the value of a sports franchise? ›

The most widely used method for determining sports franchise value is the guideline transaction method. The valuation process entails an analysis of the relationship between the price paid for a franchise and a relevant measure of team performance, typically revenue.

How are professional sports franchises valued? ›

Average franchise value in major U.S. sports leagues 2007-2023. Teams in Major League Baseball were estimated at an average franchise value of just over 2.3 billion U.S. dollars in 2023. Meanwhile, the average value of National Football League franchises reached a high of over 5.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2023.

Which valuation approach is best used for sports franchises? ›

Market Approach – Comparison via the comparable franchises or the precedent transactions. The precedent transaction method, where the value is estimated based on exchange prices in actual transactions, is the most frequently used method for valuation of a sports franchise.

How are professional teams valued? ›

The value of a sports team is determined based on future economic returns, which are influenced by factors such as the popularity of the sport and the team, the league's competition structure, and team ownership structure.

What is the most valuable professional sports franchise? ›

The NFL's Dallas Cowboys are the most valuable team in the world with a $9.0 billion valuation. The team was purchased in 1989 for $150M by Jerry Jones. Its growth in value was slower at first, but over the past five years, the Cowboys' valuation appreciated by 80%.

What are the factors that affect a sports franchise valuation? ›

Among the most important determinants of franchise value are metropolitan area characteristics, such as population, and personal income; team characteristics, such as fan base of a team, and the presence of star athletes; and venue characteristics, such as ownership status, cost of attending a game (fan cost), and age ...

What is the most profitable sports franchise to own? ›

The Cowboys consistently have the highest annual revenue in the sport, earning $1.05 billion in 2022.

How are NFL franchises valued? ›

The valuations are composed of the monetary worth of the sport, market, stadium deals, and brand. These areas are supported by applying financial metrics such as debt and operating income to each one.

Who is the richest franchise owner in sports? ›

Owning a professional sports team has come to be a status symbol among the mega rich. In 2024, Steve Ballmer, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, had a net worth of over 121 billion U.S. dollars, making him the richest sports team owner worldwide.

How is a franchise business valued? ›

Revenue and Profitability: A franchise with a consistent revenue and profitability history is generally more valuable than one with fluctuating earnings. Location and Geography: The franchise's location, market saturation, and regional demand can influence its valuation.

What is the most appropriate valuation method? ›

1. Multiples, or Comparables approach. This approach is by and large the most common approach to valuing businesses. This is mainly due to the fact that it is a straight-forward and easy to understand method.

What is the most effective valuation method? ›

You'll learn about several of these methods below.
  1. Market Capitalization. Market capitalization is the simplest method of business valuation. ...
  2. Times Revenue Method. ...
  3. Earnings Multiplier. ...
  4. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Method. ...
  5. Book Value. ...
  6. Liquidation Value.

Are sports franchises overvalued? ›

We are in an era of unprecedented growth in the sports industry. Every year, another team is sold for an incredible number. A study from the Secretariat showed NBA and NFL team valuations grew by over 19% and 15% annually from 2013 to 2022, effectively doubling every four and five years, respectively.

What is the cheapest sports franchise? ›

By comparison, the NHL's Arizona Coyotes are the lowest-valued team in all of the major American leagues, the bottom of Sportico's menu at $675 million. The Cincinnati Bengals, cheapest in the NFL, are still worth $4 billion: as much as or more than all but a few NBA and MLB teams and more than every NHL team.

How do owners of professional sports teams make money? ›

Central revenue is from league media, sponsorships, merchandise and shared ticket revenue.

How is NBA team value calculated? ›

Team Value: NBA franchise valuation, derived from metrics by which basketball-team transactions occur, including aggregating local and national revenues and factoring in a team-specific multiplier. This represents the market value of the team itself, excluding related businesses held by its owners.

How much is a sports franchise? ›

The average value of the 50 most valuable sports teams has jumped 9.9% from last year, to $3.4 billion, up 55% from five years ago. The Dallas Cowboys once again claim the top spot with a valuation of $5.7 billion, followed by the New York Yankees at $5.25 billion.

What is the franchise value approach? ›

The franchise-value approach to valuation enables the analyst or investor to break the firm into two key component parts and to value those components. The franchise value approach is original and insightful, and with this book, readers can begin to implement this approach to perform better equity valuations.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.