phd candidate salaries in Switzerland | myScience / working / salary of researchers in Switzerland (2024)

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Salary comparison Remarks Links
  • Doctoral students in Switzerland receive, as a guideline, between CHF 3,920 and CHF 6,690 gross per month, based on a 100% employment rate.
  • The median salary (50% earn more and 50% earn less) is CHF 53,000 gross per year and CHF 4,417 per month.
  • Depending on the institution and field of research and depending on how the PhD is funded (SNF-scholarship, assistanceship etc.), the loan can have a wide range. PhD candidates in exact sciences (computer science, mathematics, physics, ...) and medecine are usually better paid than PhD candidates in life sciences, chemistry, arts and humanities. However, the salary and the working conditions depend on the exact contract you have.
  • Please consider, that PhD candidates often have only a 50% employment.

Salary comparison

In comparison to a doctoral candidates, a masters graduate who is employed outside the university, earns significantly more:

  • The annual gross salary (median) for master graduates at university level (all economic sectors, all positions, all regions), 1 year after graduation in 2020 is: 78’400 CHF
  • The annual gross salary (median) for master graduates from universities of applied sciences 1 year after graduation in 2020 is: 84’000 CHF

But a graduated PhD then starts with a higher salary:

  • The annual gross salary (median) for PhDs 1 year after graduation in 2020 is: 93’100 CHF

Source: FOS / ETHZ /


  • Usual working time in Switzerland: 42 hours per week.
  • Holidays: Legally 4 weeks per year. Some companies give 5 weeks.


phd candidate salaries in Switzerland | myScience  / working / salary of researchers in Switzerland (2024)
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