Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of eff (2024)

Table of Contents
Effective communication Cyfathrebu effeithiol Key features of effective communication Nodweddion allweddol cyfathrebu effeithiol Effective communication Cyfathrebu effeithiol Effective communication Cyfathrebu effeithiol Effective communication, the well-being of children and positive relationships with families/carers Cyfathrebu effeithiol, lles plant a chydberthnasau cadarnhaol â theuluoedd/gofalwyr Effective communication, the well-being of children and positive relationships with families/carers Cyfathrebu effeithiol, lles plant a chydberthnasau cadarnhaol â theuluoedd/gofalwyr Effective communication, the well-being of children and positive relationships with families/carers Cyfathrebu effeithiol, lles plant a chydberthnasau cadarnhaol â theuluoedd/gofalwyr Suggested Answers: Atebion Awgrymedig: Effective communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of children and their families/carers Anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Finding the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of children and their families/carers Canfod anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr Suggested answers Atebion posib Child's development stage and communication skills Camau datblygu plentyn a sgiliau cyfathrebu Child’s development stage and communication skills Camau datblygu plentyn a sgiliau cyfathrebu Specific conditions that may affect communication and language Amodau penodol sy’n gallu effeithio ar gyfathrebu ac iaith Autistic Spectrum Disorders Asperger's Syndrome Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Hearing impairment Cleft lip and/or palate Dyslexia Anhwylderau Sbectrwm Awtistiaeth Syndrom Asperger Anhwylder Diffyg Canolbwyntio a Gorfywiogrwydd (ADHD) Nam ar y clyw Gwefus a/neu daflod hollt Dyslecsia Specific conditions that may affect communication and language Amodau penodol a fyddai'n gallu effeithio ar gyfathrebu ac iaith Using play and behaviour to communicate Defnyddio chwarae ac ymddygiad i gyfathrebu Using play and behaviour to communicate Defnyddio chwarae ac ymddygiad i gyfathrebu Barriers and solutions to effective communication Rhwystrau i gyfathrebu effeithiol a datrys hynny Barriers and solutions to effective communication Rhwystrau a datrysiadau i gyfathrebu effeithiol Communication barriers: Effective communication: Communication barriers: Effective communication: Rhwystrau cyfathrebu: Cyfathrebu effeithiol: Rhwystrau cyfathrebu: Cyfathrebu effeithiol:

Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (1) Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (2)

Effective communication

Cyfathrebu effeithiol

Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (3)

An important part of an early years childcare worker's job is the ability to communicate with a wide variety of people. The childcare worker must develop communication skills in order to work effectively with children, parents/carers, colleagues and other professionals. Good communication skills help with effective interaction.

Effective communication involves listening, understanding and responding to people. In order to develop listening skills, you need to pay attention to what's being said. You must think about what's being said and respond in a way that will encourage the person to keep talking. To show that they're paying attention, the childcare worker should ensure that they look at the person who's speaking and make eye contact without staring excessively. Asking questions will show an interest and it's important not to interrupt the speaker. You also need to make encouraging sounds and use short words or sentences.

Communication includes facial expressions and body language, e.g. gestures (non-verbal communication). You should respond to what's being said with facial expressions, e.g. a smile, a frown or a nod. A childcare worker can appear open, friendly or unfriendly depending on body language and tone of voice.

For others to be encouraged to listen, they need to feel comfortable so the childcare worker needs to make them feel at home. Standing too close to someone can make them feel uncomfortable, but standing too far away can give the impression that the childcare worker isn't interested in them. The body language of the listener can sometimes show whether or not they feel at home, and so you should try to respond appropriately to this.

Children often want to be close to an adult when speaking to them so the childcare worker should ensure that they go down to the children's level by sitting or crouching next to them. Standing above them can make them feel uncomfortable.

Key features of effective communication

  • listening carefully
  • seeing the effect of your words and gestures on others
  • demonstrating empathy
  • being non-judgmental
  • being considerate of other people's feelings and moods
  • adjusting your communication method to the person or scenario
  • being genuine
  • showing an interest in other people
  • being conscious of confidentiality
  • being friendly
  • being professional
  • showing respect
  • avoiding stereotyping e.g. age; gender; ethnicity
  • speaking in turn with other speakers
  • showing respect towards the views, traditions and beliefs of the person you're communicating with
  • being honest
  • considering cultural differences e.g. when Welsh or English is not their first language.

Rhan bwysig o swydd gweithiwr gofal plant blynyddoedd cynnar yw’r gallu i cyfathrebu gyda phlant. Rhaid i’r gweithiwr gofal plant ddatblygu sgiliau cyfathrebu er mwyn gweithio'n effeithiol gyda phlant, rhieni/gofalwyr, cydweithwyr a phobl broffesiynol eraill. Mae sgiliau cyfathrebu da yn gymorth i ryngweithio'n effeithiol.

Mae cyfathrebu effeithiol yn golygu gwrando, deall ac ymateb i blant. Er mwyn datblygu sgiliau gwrando, mae angen talu sylw i'r hyn sy'n cael ei ddweud. Mae'n rhaid meddwl am yr hyn sy'n cael ei ddweud ac ymateb mewn ffordd a fydd yn annog y person i barhau i siarad. Er mwyn dangos ei bod yn talu sylw, dylai’r gweithiwr gofal plant sicrhau ei bod yn edrych ar y plentyn sy'n siarad a gwneud cyswllt llygaid gyda hwy ond heb syllu’n ormodol arnynt. Bydd holi cwestiynau yn dangos diddordeb ac mae’n bwysig peidio â thorri ar draws y siaradwr. Mae hefyd angen gwneud synau calonogol a defnyddio geiriau neu frawddegau byr.

Mae cyfathrebu yn cynnwys mynegiant wyneb ac iaith y corff, e.e. ystumiau (cyfathrebu nad yw'n llafar). Dylid ymateb i'r hyn sy'n cael ei ddweud gyda mynegiant wyneb, e.e. gwenu, crychu talcen neu nodio pen. Gall gweithiwr gofal plant ymddangos yn agored, yn gyfeillgar neu'n anghyfeillgar yn dibynnu ar iaith y corff a thôn y llais.

Os yw am annog eraill i wrando yna bydd rhaid iddynt deimlo’n gyfforddus, felly mae angen i’r gweithiwr gofal plant wneud iddynt deimlo’n gartrefol. Gall sefyll yn rhy agos at rhywun wneud iddynt deimlo'n anghyfforddus, ond gall sefyll yn rhy bell i ffwrdd roi'r argraff nad oes diddordeb gan yr gweithiwr gofal plant ynddynt. Gall iaith corff y gwrandäwr weithiau ddangos os ydynt yn teimlo’n gartrefol neu beidio ac felly dylid ceisio ymateb yn briodol i hyn.

Mae plant yn aml eisiau bod yn agos at oedolyn wrth siarad â hwy felly dylai’r gweithiwr gofal plant sicrhau eu bod yn mynd i lawr i lefel y plant drwy eistedd neu gwrcwd wrth eu hymyl. Gall sefyll uwch eu pennau wneud iddynt deimlo'n anghyfforddus.

Nodweddion allweddol cyfathrebu effeithiol

  • gwrando'n ofalus
  • gweld effaith eich geiriau a'ch ystumiau ar eraill
  • dangos empathi
  • peidio barnu
  • bod yn ystyrlon o deimladau a hwyliau pobl eraill
  • addasu eich dull cyfathrebu i'r person neu’r sefyllfa
  • bod yn ddiffuant
  • dangos diddordeb mewn eraill
  • bod yn ymwybodol o gyfrinachedd
  • bod yn gyfeillgar
  • Bod yn broffesiynol
  • dangos parch
  • osgoi stereoteipio e.e. oedran; rhyw; ethnigrwydd
  • siarad yn eich tro gyda siaradwyr eraill
  • dangos parch tuag at safbwyntiau, traddodiadau a chredoau’r person yr ydych yn cyfathrebu â nhw
  • bod yn onest
  • ystyried gwahaniaethau diwylliannol e.e. pan nad Cymraeg neu Saesneg yw eu hiaith gyntaf.

Additional Information Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Click on the answer you think is correct. Some questions may have more than one correct answer. The ‘next question’ button works when you have clicked on the correct amount of answers for that question.

Cliciwch ar yr ateb rydych chi’n credu sy’n gywir. Efallai fydd mwy nag un ateb cywir i rai cwestiynau. Mae’r botwm ‘cwestiwn nesaf’ yn gweithio pan rydych chi wedi clicio ar y nifer gywir o atebion ar gyfer y cwestiwn hwnnw.

Effective communication

Click on the answer you think is correct.

Cyfathrebu effeithiol

Rhowch gynnig ar ateb y cwestiynau canlynol.

Effective communication

Drag the words into the correct spaces.

Cyfathrebu effeithiol

Llusgwch y geiriau i’r bylchau cywir.

Your Answers

Active listening means that your face has to show an interest. In non-verbal communication, someone's face is equally important. One of the main things you can do with your face is to smile when you meet and greet children and adults. Smiling makes you look friendly and open. Although this may be obvious, many people forget to smile when they feel nervous. This gives other people the impression that they have no interest or that they don't like someone. This then makes other people less likely to smile, and so the circle continues.

Correct answers

Active listening means that your face has to show an interest. In non-verbal communication, someone's face is equally important. One of the main things you can do with your face is to smile when you meet and greet children and adults. Smiling makes you look friendly and open. Although this may be obvious, many people forget to smile when they feel nervous. This gives other people the impression that they have no interest or that they don't like someone. This then makes other people less likely to smile, and so the circle continues.

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Eich ateb

Mae gwrando gweithredol yn golygu bod rhaid i’ch wyneb ddangos diddordeb. Yn achos cyfathrebu di-eiriau, mae wyneb rhywun yr un mor bwysig. Un o’r prif bethau y gallwch chi ei wneud â’ch wyneb yw gwenu pan fyddwch yn cwrdd â chyfarch plant ac oedolion. Mae gwenu’n gwneud i chi edrych yn gyfeillgar ac agored. Er bod hyn yn amlwg efallai, mae llawer o bobl yn anghofio gwenu pan fyddant yn teimlo’n nerfus. Mae hyn yn rhoi’r argraff i bobl eraill nad oes ganddynt ddiddordeb neu nad ydynt yn hoffi rhywun. Mae hyn wedyn yn gwneud i bobl eraill fod yn llai tebygol o wenu, ac felly mae’r cylch yn parhau.

Atebion cywir

Mae gwrando gweithredol yn golygu bod rhaid i’ch wyneb ddangos diddordeb. Yn achos cyfathrebu di-eiriau, mae wyneb rhywun yr un mor bwysig. Un o’r prif bethau y gallwch chi ei wneud â’ch wyneb yw gwenu pan fyddwch yn cwrdd â chyfarch plant ac oedolion. Mae gwenu’n gwneud i chi edrych yn gyfeillgar ac agored. Er bod hyn yn amlwg efallai, mae llawer o bobl yn anghofio gwenu pan fyddant yn teimlo’n nerfus. Mae hyn yn rhoi’r argraff i bobl eraill nad oes ganddynt ddiddordeb neu nad ydynt yn hoffi rhywun. Mae hyn wedyn yn gwneud i bobl eraill fod yn llai tebygol o wenu, ac felly mae’r cylch yn parhau.

Mae gennych allan o yn gywir. Symudwch rhai o'r termau o gwmpas i geisio gwella eich sgôr.

Da iawn. Mae gennych allan o yn gywir.

Mae gennych allan o yn gywir. Cliciwch ‘ailosod’ er mwyn rhoi cynnig arall ar y gweithgaredd.

Mae gennych allan o yn gywir. Symudwch rhai o'r termau o gwmpas i geisio gwella eich sgôr

Da iawn. Mae gennych allan o yn gywir.

Mae gennych allan o yn gywir. Cliciwch ‘ailosod’ er mwyn rhoi cynnig arall ar y gweithgaredd.

Effective communication, the well-being of children and positive relationships with families/carers

Cyfathrebu effeithiol, lles plant a chydberthnasau cadarnhaol â theuluoedd/gofalwyr

Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (4)

A child's ability to control stress and feel confident depends to a great extent on their self-concept. This is the sense of who they are and how they feel about themselves. Positive relationships between adults and children are an important part of building a child's positive self-concept. Childcare workers need to pay attention to what children have to say and encourage children's ideas and opinions so that they feel appreciated. Positive, encouraging words help children to feel confident and happy. Childcare workers should praise children and young people, for example, for tidying up or sharing with other children. Praise reinforces good behaviour. Children and young people need relationships with adults that influence them in a positive way so that they know there'll be someone to talk to them should they be worried about something.

The ability to communicate helps children to express their needs and feelings and make friends with other children. Children with behaviour management issues are likely to have communication difficulties. Because of this, supporting children's communication skills is a large part of the work of an early years childcare worker. Communication skills also aid children to:

  • express their feelings
  • understand the feelings of others
  • respond appropriately to others
  • discuss things with others
  • manage their anger.

Effective communication helps families/carers and settings to share important information about children and young people. By communicating effectively, families/carers and carers will feel that they are part of their children's experiences at the setting, which helps to build and develop positive relationships. Families/carers and staff will be more likely to share information if they feel they are heard and understood.

Effective communication helps families/carers and carers to share important information about children and young people in different settings. Information from families/carers or carers helps childcare workers to support children or young people. An example of this would be a situation where the childcare worker knows that a child's parents/carers have separated, and they could then give the necessary support needed by the child. Sharing information helps families/carers and staff to be conscious of children's needs at certain times. For example, a parent/carer may inform the childcare worker that the child hasn't slept much the night before. Because of this, the childcare worker will understand that the child will need time to relax or sleep during the day.

Mae gallu plentyn i reoli straen a theimlo'n hyderus yn dibynnu i raddau helaeth ar ei hunan-gysyniad. Dyma’r synnwyr o bwy ydyn nhw a sut maen nhw'n teimlo amdanynt eu hunain. Mae perthnasoedd cadarnhaol rhwng oedolion a phlant yn rhan bwysig o adeiladu hunan-gysyniad cadarnhaol plentyn. Mae angen i gweithwyr gofal plant roi sylwi i’r hyn sydd gan blant i ddweud, ac annog syniadau a barn plant fel eu bod yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi. Mae geiriau cadarnhaol a calonogol yn helpu plant i deimlo'n hyderus a hapus. Dylai gweithwyr gofal plant ganmol plant a phobl ifanc, er enghraifft, am dacluso neu rannu gyda phlant eraill. Mae canmol yn atgyfnerthu ymddygiad da. Mae angen i blant a phobl ifanc gael perthnasau gydag oedolion sy’n dylanwadu arnynt mewn ffordd gadarnhaol fel eu bod yn gwybod y bydd yna rywun i siarad â nhw os bydd rhywbeth yn eu poeni.

Mae’r gallu i gyfathrebu yn helpu plant i fynegi eu hanghenion a’u teimladau a gwneud ffrindiau gyda phlant eraill. Bydd plant sydd gyda phroblemau rheoli ymddygiad yn debygol o gael anawsterau cyfathrebu. Oherwydd hyn mae cefnogi plant i ddatblygu sgiliau cyfathrebu yn rhan fawr o waith gweithiwr gofal plant blynyddoedd cynnar. Mae sgiliau cyfathrebu hefyd yn gymorth i blant:

  • fynegi eu teimladau
  • ddeall teimladau eraill
  • ymateb yn briodol i eraill
  • drafod gydag eraill
  • reoli eu dicter.

Mae cyfathrebu effeithiol yn helpu teuluoedd/gofalwyr i rhannu gwybodaeth bwysig am blant a phobl ifanc mewn wahanol lleoliadau. Drwy gyfathrebu’n effeithiol bydd teuluoedd/gofalwyr yn teimlo eu bod yn rhan o brofiadau eu plant yn y lleoliad, sy’n helpu i adeiladu a meithrin cydberthnasau cadarnhaol. Bydd teuluoedd/gofalwyr a staff yn fwy tebygol o rannu gwybodaeth os ydynt yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu clywed ac yn cael eu deall.

Drwy gyfathrebu yn rheolaidd gyda theuluoedd/gofalwyr bydd gan gweithwyr gofal plant dealltwriaeth well o’r plant yn eu gofal. Mae gwybodaeth gan deuluoedd/gofalwyr yn gymorth i gweithwyr gofal plant gefnogi plant neu bobl ifanc. Enghraifft o hyn fyddai sefyllfa lle mae’r ymarferwr yn gwybod bod rhieni/gofalwyr plentyn wedi gwahanu, gallent wedyn roi’r gefnogaeth angenrheidiol y mae’r plentyn ei angen. Mae rhannu gwybodaeth yn helpu teuluoedd/gofalwyr a staff i fod yn ymwybodol o anghenion plant ar adegau penodol. Er enghraifft, efallai bod rhiant/gofalwr yn gadael i’r gweithiwr gofal plant wybod nad yw’r plentyn wedi cysgu llawer y noson gynt. Oherwydd hynny bydd yr gweithiwr gofal plant yn deall bydd y plentyn angen amser i ymlacio neu gysgu yn ystod y dydd.

Effective communication, the well-being of children and positive relationships with families/carers

Cyfathrebu effeithiol, lles plant a chydberthnasau cadarnhaol â theuluoedd/gofalwyr

Highlight the mistakes made by Nadia in the following scenario.

Amlygwch y camgymeriadau a wnaeth Nadia yn y sefyllfa ganlynol.

Sioned is 3 years old and has just started to attend a Cylch Meithrin. This is her first early years experience outside the home. She's starting to listen to others speak and can concentrate for short periods. Sioned understands simple concepts including 'under', 'on', 'inside', 'big' and 'small'. She understands brief directions such as 'put teddy in the box', or 'get your book'. Sioned understands simple stories with pictures and can hold a conversation but jumps from topic to topic.

Nadia the childcare worker has just met Sioned for the first time. Nadia has prepared a painting activity for the children and wants Sioned to take part. In her enthusiasm, Nadia forgets to talk to other staff about Sioned's needs, and starts the activity immediately. She asks Sioned to put on an apron, choose a brush and paint a red and yellow flower. Nadia tells Sioned “when you've finished your picture, wash your hands in the sink in the bathroom, and take off your apron”. Sioned goes to get an apron, but can't put it on. By now, Nadia is talking to another child taking part in the activity, and hasn't noticed that Sioned hasn't started to paint. Sioned drops the apron on the floor and goes back to the role play area.

Mae Sioned yn 3 oed a newydd gychwyn mewn Cylch Meithrin. Dyma ei phrofiad blynyddoedd cynnar cyntaf y tu allan i'r cartref. Mae hi'n dechrau gwrando ar eraill yn siarad ac yn gallu canolbwyntio am gyfnodau byr. Mae Sioned yn deall cysyniadau syml gan gynnwys ‘o dan’, ‘ar’, ‘i mewn’, ‘mawr’ a ‘bach’. Mae hi’n deall cyfarwyddiadau byr fel 'rhoi tedi yn y bocs', neu 'nol dy lyfr'. Mae Sioned yn deall stori syml gyda lluniau ac yn gallu cynnal sgwrs, ond mae'n neidio o bwnc i bwnc.

Mae Nadia yr gweithiwr gofal plant newydd gwrdd â Sioned am y tro gyntaf. Mae Nadia wedi paratoi gweithgaredd peintio i’r plant, ac yn awyddus i Sioned gymryd rhan. Yn ei brwdfrydedd mae Nadia yn anghofio siarad gyda staff eraill am anghenion Sioned, ac yn cychwyn y gweithgaredd yn syth. Mae hi’n gofyn i Sioned roi ffedog ymlaen, dewis brwsh a pheintio blodyn coch a melyn. Mae Nadia yn dweud wrth Sioned “pan wyt ti wedi gorffen dy lun, golcha dy ddwylo yn y sinc yn yr ystafell ymolchi, a thynna dy ffedog”. Mae Sioned yn mynd i nôl ffedog, ond nid yw’n gallu ei rhoi ymlaen. Erbyn hyn mae Nadia yn siarad gyda phlentyn arall sy’n cymryd rhan yn y gweithgaredd, a heb sylweddoli nad yw Sioned wedi cychwyn peintio. Mae Sioned yn gollwng y ffedog ar y llawr ar yn mynd i’r ardal chwarae rôl.

Sioned is 3 years old and has just started to attend a Cylch Meithrin. This is her first early years experience outside the home. She's starting to listen to others speak and can concentrate for short periods. Sioned understands simple concepts including 'under', 'on', 'inside', 'big' and 'small'. She understands brief directions such as 'put teddy in the box', or 'get your book'. Sioned understands simple stories with pictures and can hold a conversation but jumps from topic to topic.

Nadia the childcare worker has just met Sioned for the first time. Nadia has prepared a painting activity for the children and wants Sioned to take part. In her enthusiasm, Nadia forgets to talk to other staff about Sioned's needs, and starts the activity immediately. She asks Sioned to put on an apron, choose a brush and paint a red and yellow flower. Nadia tells Sioned “when you've finished your picture, wash your hands in the sink in the bathroom, and take off your apron”. Sioned goes to get an apron, but can't put it on. By now, Nadia is talking to another child taking part in the activity, and hasn't noticed that Sioned hasn't started to paint. Sioned drops the apron on the floor and goes back to the role play area.

Mae Sioned yn 3 oed a newydd gychwyn mewn Cylch Meithrin. Dyma ei phrofiad blynyddoedd cynnar cyntaf y tu allan i'r cartref. Mae hi'n dechrau gwrando ar eraill yn siarad ac yn gallu canolbwyntio am gyfnodau byr. Mae Sioned yn deall cysyniadau syml gan gynnwys ‘o dan’, ‘ar’, ‘i mewn’, ‘mawr’ a ‘bach’. Mae hi’n deall cyfarwyddiadau byr fel 'rhoi tedi yn y bocs', neu 'nol dy lyfr'. Mae Sioned yn deall stori syml gyda lluniau ac yn gallu cynnal sgwrs, ond mae'n neidio o bwnc i bwnc.

Mae Nadia yr gweithiwr gofal plant newydd gwrdd â Sioned am y tro gyntaf. Mae Nadia wedi paratoi gweithgaredd peintio i’r plant, ac yn awyddus i Sioned gymryd rhan. Yn ei brwdfrydedd mae Nadia yn anghofio siarad gyda staff eraill am anghenion Sioned, ac yn cychwyn y gweithgaredd yn syth. Mae hi’n gofyn i Sioned roi ffedog ymlaen, dewis brwsh a pheintio blodyn coch a melyn. Mae Nadia yn dweud wrth Sioned “pan wyt ti wedi gorffen dy lun, golcha dy ddwylo yn y sinc yn yr ystafell ymolchi, a thynna dy ffedog”. Mae Sioned yn mynd i nôl ffedog, ond nid yw’n gallu ei rhoi ymlaen. Erbyn hyn mae Nadia yn siarad gyda phlentyn arall sy’n cymryd rhan yn y gweithgaredd, a heb sylweddoli nad yw Sioned wedi cychwyn peintio. Mae Sioned yn gollwng y ffedog ar y llawr ar yn mynd i’r ardal chwarae rôl.

Effective communication, the well-being of children and positive relationships with families/carers

Cyfathrebu effeithiol, lles plant a chydberthnasau cadarnhaol â theuluoedd/gofalwyr

Answer the questions about this scenario.

Sioned is 3 years old and has just started to attend a Cylch Meithrin. This is her first early years experience outside the home. She's starting to listen to others speak and can concentrate for short periods. Sioned understands simple concepts including under, on, inside, big and small. She understands brief directions such as 'put teddy in the box', or 'get your book'. Sioned understands simple stories with pictures and can hold a conversation but jumps from topic to topic.

Nadia the childcare worker has just met Sioned for the first time. Nadia has prepared a painting activity for the children and wants Sioned to take part. In her enthusiasm, Nadia forgets to talk to other staff about Sioned's needs and starts the activity immediately. She asks Sioned to put on an apron, choose a brush and paint a red and yellow flower. Nadia tells Sioned “when you've finished your picture, wash your hands in the sink in the bathroom, and take off your apron”. Sioned goes to get an apron but can't put it on. By now, Nadia is talking to another child taking part in the activity and hasn't noticed that Sioned hasn't started to paint. Sioned drops the apron on the floor and goes back to the role play area.

Atebwch y cwestiynau am yr un sefyllfa.

Mae Sioned yn 3 oed a newydd gychwyn mewn Cylch Meithrin. Dyma ei phrofiad blynyddoedd cynnar cyntaf y tu allan i'r cartref. Mae hi'n dechrau gwrando ar eraill yn siarad ac yn gallu canolbwyntio am gyfnodau byr. Mae Sioned yn deall cysyniadau syml gan gynnwys o dan, ar, i mewn, mawr a bach. Mae hi’n deall cyfarwyddiadau byr fel 'rhoi tedi yn y bocs', neu 'nol dy lyfr'. Mae Sioned yn deall stori syml gyda lluniau ac yn gallu cynnal sgwrs, ond mae'n neidio o bwnc i bwnc.

Mae Nadia yr gweithiwr gofal plant newydd gwrdd â Sioned am y tro gyntaf. Mae Nadia wedi paratoi gweithgaredd peintio i’r plant, ac yn awyddus i Sioned gymryd rhan. Yn ei brwdfrydedd mae Nadia yn anghofio siarad gyda staff eraill am anghenion Sioned, ac yn cychwyn y gweithgaredd yn syth. Mae hi’n gofyn i Sioned roi ffedog ymlaen, dewis brwsh a pheintio blodyn coch a melyn. Mae Nadia yn dweud wrth Sioned “pan ti wedi gorffen dy lun, golchi dy ddwylo yn y sinc yn yr ystafell ymolchi, a thynnu dy ffedog”. Mae Sioned yn mynd i nôl ffedog, ond ddim yn gallu ei roi ymlaen. Erbyn hyn mae Nadia yn siarad hefo plentyn arall sy’n cymryd rhan yn y gweithgaredd, a dim yn sylweddoli nad yw Sioned wedi cychwyn peintio. Mae Sioned yn gollwng y ffedog ar y llawr ac yn mynd i’r ardal chwarae rôl.

QuestionCwestiwn Your AnswersEich Atebion Suggested AnswersAtebion Awgrymedig

Suggested Answers:

Atebion Awgrymedig:

Effective communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of children and their families/carers

Anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr.

Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (5)

When communicating with children and their families/carers or carers you need to find out their language, needs, wishes and communication preferences in order to enable people to express themselves and understand others. Understanding that people communicate in different ways will help you to be an effective childcare worker.

When working with children it's important to identify their specific needs, which may be connected to their age, development stage, home language, culture, learning needs or disability. To find children's communication, language needs, wishes preferences, childcare workers can talk to parents/carers to obtain information, as they are the experts on their children. childcare workers can also seek advice and support from professionals, for example a speech and language therapist, or the setting's Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo). By observing, childcare workers will learn a lot about children's speech, language and communication development, and the information will enable them to plan for them.

When working with adults, childcare workers can ask them about their communication and language needs, wishes and preferences. For example, you need to find out what language the parents/carers would like to use and whether they're happy to write in their children's contact book. Childcare workers can ask a parent/carer with a hearing impairment about the best way to communicate with them, or the best way to communicate when the parent/carer don't speak the language of the setting.

Wrth gyfathrebu gyda phlant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr mae angen canfod eu hiaith, eu hanghenion, eu dymuniadau a’u dewisiadau cyfathrebu er mwyn galluogi pobl i fynegi eu hunain ac i ddeall eraill. Bydd deall fod pobl yn cyfathrebu mewn gwahanol ffyrdd yn gymorth i fod yn gweithiwr gofal plant effeithiol.

Wrth weithio gyda phlant mae'n bwysig nodi eu hanghenion penodol, a all fod yn gysylltiedig â'u hoedran eu cyfnod datblygu, iaith y cartref, diwylliant, anghenion dysgu neu anabledd. Er mwyn canfod anghenion, dymuniadau, dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith plant, gall gweithwyr gofal plant siarad â rhieni/gofalwyr i gael gwybodaeth, gan mai nhw yw’r arbenigwyr am eu plant. Gall gweithwyr gofal plant hefyd geisio cyngor a chefnogaeth gan bobl broffesiynol, fel enghraifft therapydd iaith a lleferydd, neu Gydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol y lleoliad (ALNCo). Drwy arsylwi bydd gweithwyr gofal plant yn dysgu llawer am ddatblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu plant, a bydd y wybodaeth yn eu galluogi i gynllunio ar eu cyfer.

Wrth weithio gydag oedolion gall gweithwyr gofal plant ofyn iddynt am eu hanghenion, eu dymuniadau a’u dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith. Er enghraifft, mae angen canfod pa iaith y mae’r rhieni/gofalwyr yn awyddus i’w defnyddio ac ydyn nhw’n hapus i ysgrifennu yn llyfr cyswllt eu plant. Gall gweithwyr gofal plant ofyn i riant/gofalwr gyda nam ar y clyw am y ffordd orau i gyfathrebu â nhw, neu'r ffordd orau i gyfathrebu pan nad yw’r rhiant/gofalwr yn siarad iaith y lleoliad. Bydd angen cofio hefyd bod gan wahanol ddiwylliannau draddodiadau gwahanol, er enghraifft, gall codi bawd (thumbs-up) fod yn broblem ac yn sarhad mewn rhai gwledydd.

Finding the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of children and their families/carers

Canfod anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr

Note down your ideas on the diagram.

Nodwch eich syniadau ar y diagram.

Ways to identify the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of children and their families/carers Ffyrdd i nodi anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr

Ways to identify the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of children and their families/carers Ffyrdd i nodi anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr

Suggested answers

  • talk to parents/carers to obtain information
  • seek advice and support from professionals, for example a speech and language therapist, or the setting's ALNCo
  • observation
  • ask adults about their communication and language needs, wishes and preferences
  • be conscious of different cultures that may use gestures in different ways
  • read reports and notes from settings or agencies/other professionals giving information about speech and language issues
  • know that individuals' culture, ethnicity and background can affect their language preferences and needs.

Atebion posib

  • siarad â rhieni/gofalwyr i gael gwybodaeth
  • ceisio cyngor a chefnogaeth gan bobl broffesiynol, er enghraifft therapydd iaith a lleferydd, neu ALNCo y lleoliad
  • arsylwi
  • gofyn i oedolion am eu hanghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith
  • bod yn ymwybodol o wahanol ddiwylliannau a all ddefnyddio ystumiau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd
  • darllen adroddiadau a nodiadau o leoliadau neu asiantaethau/pobl broffesiynol eraill sy'n rhoi gwybodaeth am faterion lleferydd ac iaith
  • gwybod y gall ddiwylliant, ethnigrwydd a chefndir unigolion effeithio ar eu dewisiadau a'u hanghenion iaith.

Child's development stage and communication skills

Camau datblygu plentyn a sgiliau cyfathrebu

Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (6)

Each child develops at their own pace with different levels of language, speech and communication, depending on their age and development stage. This means that an 18-month-old may have 20 or more words, while another 18-month-old has 10 words. The language of the home and their experiences affect children's language, speech and communication development level, along with any specific needs, such as a hearing impediment or cleft palate. It's therefore vital to consider children's development stage when supporting their language and communication development.

Development is a holistic process, which means that all development areas interact with each other and affect each other. Children's development stage in other types of development will affect their communication skills. Intellectual development helps children to concentrate, understand concepts and solve problems, and these skills support children's language and communication development. Emotional and social development supports children's language and communication development as they start to understand their own and others' emotions. When children socialise with others they learn to understand and use non-verbal communication, for example body language and facial expressions.

Mae pob plentyn yn datblygu ar gyflymder ei hun a gyda lefelau gwahanol o iaith, lleferydd a chyfathrebu, yn dibynnu ar eu hoedran a'u cyfnod datblygu. Golyga hyn y gall plentyn 18 mis fod a 20 neu fwy o eiriau, tra bod plentyn arall 18 mis gyda 10 gair. Mae iaith y cartref a’u profiadau yn effeithio ar lefel datblygiad iaith, lleferydd a chyfathrebu plant, yn ogystal ag unrhyw anghenion penodol, er enghraifft nam ar y clyw neu daflod hollt. Mae’n hanfodol felly i ystyried cam datblygiad plant wrth gefnogi eu datblygiad iaith a chyfathrebu.

Proses holistig yw datblygiad, sy’n golygu fod pob maes datblygiad yn rhyngweithio gyda’i gilydd ac yn effeithio ar ei gilydd. Mae cam datblygiad plant mewn mathau eraill o ddatblygiad yn effeithio ar sgiliau cyfathrebu plant. Mae datblygiad deallusol yn gymorth i blant i ganolbwyntio, i ddeall cysyniadau ac i ddatrys problemau, ac mae’r sgiliau hyn yn cefnogi datblygiad iaith a chyfathrebu plant. Mae datblygiad emosiynol a chymdeithasol yn cefnogi datblygiad iaith a chyfathrebu plant wrth iddynt ddechrau deall emosiynau eu hunain ac eraill. Wrth i blant gymdeithasu ag eraill maent yn dysgu i ddeall a defnyddio cyfathrebu di-eiriau, er enghraifft iaith y corff a mynegiant wyneb.

Additional Information Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Click on the answer you think is correct. Some questions may have more than one correct answer. The ‘next question’ button works when you have clicked on the correct amount of answers for that question.

Cliciwch ar yr ateb rydych chi’n credu sy’n gywir. Efallai fydd mwy nag un ateb cywir i rai cwestiynau. Mae’r botwm ‘cwestiwn nesaf’ yn gweithio pan rydych chi wedi clicio ar y nifer gywir o atebion ar gyfer y cwestiwn hwnnw.

Child’s development stage and communication skills

Select the correct answer to the following questions about speech, communication and language development.

Camau datblygu plentyn a sgiliau cyfathrebu

Dewiswch yr ateb cywir i’r cwestiynau canlynol am ddatblygiad lleferydd, cyfathrebu ac iaith.

Specific conditions that may affect communication and language

Amodau penodol sy’n gallu effeithio ar gyfathrebu ac iaith

Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (7)

Autistic Spectrum Disorders

This is a developmental condition that affects the way a person can communicate and relate to people around them. All autistic people share some difficulties, but autism will affect them in different ways. Autism affects people's social communication skills, such as understanding verbal and non-verbal language, recognising and understanding other people's feelings and controlling their own feelings. It can also affect the ability to play imaginatively, especially with others, and to be aware of danger and predict what might happen.

Asperger's Syndrome

Autism and Asperger's Syndrome are part of the same condition, but people with Asperger's Syndrome have fewer speech issues, although they may have difficulty in understanding and processing language.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

A syndrome involving symptoms such as hyperactivity and challenging, disruptive and inappropriate behaviour, which can affect language and communication development.

Hearing impairment

Children's language and communication development may be slow because of a hearing impairment as they don't hear sounds around them or even their own voice.

Cleft lip and/or palate

A cleft lip and/or palate is a gap or split which can affect the lip or palate (ceiling of the mouth). The lip and palate develop separately during pregnancy, so it's possible to have one or both conditions together. This can lead to speech and language delay as children can't pronounce words until the gaps are treated.


A learning difficulty that can cause issues with reading, writing and spelling. Dyslexia affects the way information is processed and stored and causes memory issues.

Anhwylderau Sbectrwm Awtistiaeth

Cyflwr datblygiad sydd yn effeithio ar y ffordd y gall person gyfathrebu ac ymwneud â phobl o’u cwmpas yw hwn. Mae pawb ag awtistiaeth yn rhannu rhai anawsterau, ond bydd awtistiaeth yn effeithio arnynt mewn ffyrdd gwahanol. Mae awtistiaeth yn effeithio ar sgiliau cyfathrebu cymdeithasol pobl, er enghraifft deall iaith lafar a di-eiriau, adnabod a deall teimladau pobl eraill a rheoli teimladau eu hunain. Gall hefyd effeithio'r gallu i chwarae’n ddychmygus, yn enwedig gydag eraill, ac i fod yn ymwybodol o berygl ac i ragweld beth all ddigwydd.

Syndrom Asperger

Mae Awtistiaeth a Syndrom Asperger yn rhan o’r un cyflwr, ond mae gan bobl sydd â Syndrom Asperger lai o broblemau gyda lleferydd, ond gallent gael anawsterau wrth ddeall a phrosesu iaith.

Anhwylder Diffyg Canolbwyntio a Gorfywiogrwydd (ADHD)

Syndrom sy’n cynnwys symptomau fel gorfywiogrwydd, ymddygiad heriol, aflonyddgar ac amhriodol, sy’n gallu effeithio ar ddatblygiad iaith a chyfathrebu.

Nam ar y clyw

Gall ddatblygiad iaith a chyfathrebu plant fod yn araf oherwydd nam ar y clyw gan nad ydynt yn clywed synau o’u cwmpas neu hyd yn oed eu llais eu hunain.

Gwefus a/neu daflod hollt

Gwefus a/neu daflod hollt yw bwlch neu agen sy’n gallu effeithio ar y wefus neu’r daflod (nenfwd y geg). Mae’r wefus a’r daflod yn datblygu ar wahân yn ystod beichiogrwydd, felly mae’n bosibl cael un neu’r ddau gyflwr gyda’i gilydd. Gall hyn arwain at oedi lleferydd ac iaith gan nad yw plant yn gallu ynganu geiriau nes bod y bylchau wedi cael eu trin.


Anhawster dysgu a all achosi problemau gyda darllen, ysgrifennu a sillafu. Mae dyslecsia yn effeithio ar y ffordd mae gwybodaeth yn cael ei brosesu, ei storio a phroblemau gyda’r cof.

Additional Information Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

When you think you know the answer, click on the letters used to spell out the word. If you are correct that letter will turn green and will appear on the dashed line. If you are incorrect the letter will turn red and you will lose a life. You have 5 lives available to complete the activity.

Pan fyddwch chi’n credu eich bod yn gwybod yr ateb, cliciwch ar y llythrennau a ddefnyddir i sillafu’r gair. Os ydych yn gywir mi fydd y llythyren yn troi’n wyrdd ac yn ymddangos ar y llinell doredig. Os ydych yn anghywir mi fydd y llythyren yn troi’n goch a fyddwch yn colli bywyd. Mae gennych chi 5 bywyd i gwblhau’r gweithgaredd.

Specific conditions that may affect communication and language

Complete the activity below.

Amodau penodol a fyddai'n gallu effeithio ar gyfathrebu ac iaith

Cwblhewch y gweithgaredd isod.

Using play and behaviour to communicate

Defnyddio chwarae ac ymddygiad i gyfathrebu

Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (8)

Children develop communication skills by talking to each other, and to people around them, and by listening to each other and others. Imaginative play gives them the opportunity to try language, words and phrases they don't understand but use during role play activities. Imaginative play occurs during free play time or is led by an adult, enabling children to have the opportunity to explore familiar or new situations as well as a fantasy world. Children can use this play to communicate their needs, feelings and make choices. By observing a child playing, childcare workers can learn a lot about the child.

Play gives children an opportunity to try new things without fear of being wrong and failing, so they develop confidence and self-esteem and feel good about themselves. Imaginative play gives children an opportunity to explore their emotions, to express and act out how they feel.

Play will often affect children's behaviour as unacceptable behaviour often happens because they're bored or frustrated. Therefore, it is important to ensure that activities are entertaining and varied.

Children can use behaviour to communicate, for example, a child's behaviour can change when they want their parents/carers to look at or listen to them. Unacceptable behaviour can be a way for children to show their emotions, for example, jealousy towards a brother or sister, or concern about school. When children feel danger, stress or resistance they can feel angry. If they cannot communicate verbally, they may express their feelings and emotions by displaying unacceptable or challenging behaviour.

Mae plant yn datblygu sgiliau cyfathrebu drwy siarad â'i gilydd, â phobl o'u cwmpas, ac wrth wrando ar ei gilydd ac eraill. Mae chwarae dychmygus yn rhoi'r cyfle iddynt roi cynnig ar iaith, geiriau ac ymadroddion nad ydynt yn deall ond y maent yn eu defnyddio yn ystod gweithgareddau chwarae rôl. Mae chwarae dychmygus yn digwydd yn ystod amser chwarae rhydd, neu yn cael ei arwain gan oedolyn fel bod y plant yn cael y cyfle i archwilio sefyllfaoedd cyfarwydd neu newydd yn ogystal â byd ffantasi. Gall plant ddefnyddio’r chwarae hyn i gyfathrebu eu hanghenion, a’u teimladau a gwneud dewisiadau. Drwy arsylwi plentyn yn chwarae gall gweithwyr gofal plant ddysgu llawer am y plentyn.

Mae chwarae yn rhoi cyfle i blant roi cynnig ar bethau newydd heb ofni bod yn anghywir a methu, felly maent yn datblygu hyder a hunan-barch ac yn teimlo'n dda am eu hunain. Mae chwarae dychmygus yn rhoi cyfle i blant archwilio eu hemosiynau, i fynegi ac actio sut maent yn teimlo.

Bydd chwarae yn aml yn effeithio ar ymddygiad plant gan fod ymddygiad annerbyniol yn aml yn digwydd oherwydd eu bod wedi diflasu neu eu bod yn rhwystredig. Felly, mae'n bwysig gofalu bod gweithgareddau’n ddifyr ac yn amrywiol.

Gall plant ddefnyddio ymddygiad i gyfathrebu, er enghraifft gall ymddygiad plentyn newid pan yn awyddus i’w rhieni/gofalwyr edrych neu wrando arnynt. Mae ymddygiad annerbyniol yn gallu bod yn ffordd i blant ddangos eu hemosiynau, er enghraifft cenfigen o frawd neu chwaer, neu bryder am yr ysgol. Pan fydd plant yn teimlo perygl, straen neu wrthwynebiad gallent deimlo'n ddig. Os na allant gyfathrebu ar lafar, gallent fynegi eu teimladau ac emosiynau trwy arddangos ymddygiad annerbyniol neu heriol.

Additional Information Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Click on the answer you think is correct. Some questions may have more than one correct answer. The ‘next question’ button works when you have clicked on the correct amount of answers for that question.

Cliciwch ar yr ateb rydych chi’n credu sy’n gywir. Efallai fydd mwy nag un ateb cywir i rai cwestiynau. Mae’r botwm ‘cwestiwn nesaf’ yn gweithio pan rydych chi wedi clicio ar y nifer gywir o atebion ar gyfer y cwestiwn hwnnw.

Using play and behaviour to communicate

Select the correct images that show children communicating their emotions

Defnyddio chwarae ac ymddygiad i gyfathrebu

Dewiswch y lluniau cywir sy’n dangos plant yn cyfathrebu eu hemosiynau.

Barriers and solutions to effective communication

Rhwystrau i gyfathrebu effeithiol a datrys hynny

Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Egwyddorion a Gwerthoedd Gofal, Chwarae, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (0-19 oed) The importance of effective communication in children’s care, play, learning and development Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu effeithiol yng nghyd-destun gofal, chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad plant (9)

A barrier is anything that will prevent communication. There are a wide range of barriers including:

  • The environment - lack of access for wheelchair users, or a noisy environment that can affect people's ability to communicate effectively.
  • Disability or impairment - a vision or hearing impairment can cause communication issues.
  • Additional language - families/carers who don't speak the main language of the setting can find it hard to communicate with staff.
  • Cultural differences - social interaction practices vary in different cultures. For example, the concept of personal space varies from culture to culture.
  • Attitudes - if a childcare worker has no time to talk to a parent/carer, they may feel frustrated and not want to communicate.
  • Distraction such as a phone ringing.
  • Use of jargon, i.e. complicated, unfamiliar or technical terms.
  • Preventing others from contributing by changing the subject or disrupting.
  • Body language - crossing the arms or legs, facial expressions, body direction in turning away from a person can make one feel uncomfortable and less likely to communicate.
  • Lack of privacy - think carefully about where and when to have private and confidential conversations as people will not want to share personal information in front of others.

To communicate effectively, these barriers need to be overcome. This can be done by:

  • speaking clearly and holding eye contact
  • not speaking too quickly
  • not interrupting or finishing sentences for others
  • giving the person who's speaking time to think
  • ensuring you're in a suitable and quiet environment that's not too busy
  • listening carefully, using body language and your eyes to show your interest
  • ensuring that you understand each other by reacting to what's being said and repeating the message if necessary
  • using images to support the verbal message
  • using technological aids such as computer programs, apps and mobile phones
  • ensuring that your questions are open-ended to promote further communication
  • don't assume that you already know what the other person is trying to say.

Rhwystr yw unrhyw beth a fydd yn atal cyfathrebu. Mae yna ystod eang o rwystrau gan gynnwys:

  • Yr amgylchedd, er enghraifft gall diffyg mynediad i bobl sy’n defnyddio cadair olwyn, neu amgylchedd swnllyd effeithio ar allu pobl i gyfathrebu’n effeithiol.
  • Anabledd neu amhariad, er enghraifft gall nam ar y golwg neu glyw achosi problemau cyfathrebu.
  • Iaith ychwanegol. Gall deuluoedd/gofalwyr sydd heb fod yn siarad prif iaith y lleoliad ei chael yn anodd cyfathrebu gyda’r staff.
  • Gwahaniaethau diwylliannol. Mae arferion rhyngweithio cymdeithasol yn amrywio mewn gwahanol ddiwylliannau. Er enghraifft, mae'r cysyniad o ofod personol yn amrywio o ddiwylliant i ddiwylliant.
  • Agweddau, er enghraifft, os nad oes gan ymarferwr amser i siarad gyda rhiant/gofalwr, efallai byddent yn teimlo’n rhwystredig a heb fod eisiau cyfathrebu.
  • Gwrthdyniad megis ffôn yn canu.
  • Defnyddio jargon, sef termau cymhleth, anghyfarwydd neu dechnegol.
  • Atal cyfraniad eraill wrth newid y testun neu aflonyddu.
  • Iaith y corff. Gall croesi’r breichiau neu goesau, mynegiant y wyneb, cyfeiriad y corff wrth droi oddi wrth berson wneud i rywun deimlo’n anghyffyrddus ac yn llai tebygol o gyfathrebu.
  • Diffyg preifatrwydd. Meddyliwch yn ofalus ynghylch ble a phryd y dylid cynnal sgyrsiau preifat a chyfrinachol. Ni fydd pobl yn awyddus i rannu gwybodaeth bersonol o flaen eraill.

Er mwyn cyfathrebu’n effeithiol mae angen goresgyn y rhwystrau hyn. Gellir gwneud hynny wrth:

  • Siarad yn glir a chynnal cyswllt llygaid.
  • Peidio siarad yn rhy gyflym.
  • Peidio torri ar draws na gorffen brawddegau i eraill.
  • Rhoi amser i’r person sy’n siarad.
  • Sicrhau eich bod mewn amgylchedd addas a thawel, heb fod yn rhy brysur.
  • Gwrando yn ofalus, gan ddefnyddio iaith y corff a’ch llygaid i ddangos eich diddordeb.
  • Sicrhau eich bod yn deall eich gilydd, drwy ymateb i’r hyn sydd yn cael ei ddweud, ac ail-adrodd y neges os oes angen.
  • Defnyddio lluniau i gefnogi’r neges eiriol.
  • Defnyddio cymhorthion technolegol megis rhaglenni cyfrifiadurol, apiau a ffonau symudol.
  • Sicrhau bod eich cwestiynau yn agored er mwyn hybu cyfathrebu pellach.
  • Peidiwch â thybio eich bod yn gwybod yn barod beth mae’r person arall yn ceisio dweud.

Barriers and solutions to effective communication

Drag the words into the correct spaces.

Rhwystrau a datrysiadau i gyfathrebu effeithiol

Llusgwch y geiriau i’r bylchau cywir.

Your Answers

Communication barriers:

  1. The environment, for example lack of access for wheelchair users, or a noisy environment that can affect people's ability to communicate effectively.
  2. Disability or impairment, for example a vision or hearing impairment can cause communication issues.
  3. Additional language - families/carers who don't speak the main language of the setting can find it hard to communicate with staff.
  4. Cultural differences - social interaction practices vary in different cultures. For example, the concept of personal space varies from culture to culture.
  5. Attitudes, for example if a childcare worker has no time to talk to a parent/carer, they may feel frustrated and not want to communicate.
  6. Distraction such as a phone ringing.
  7. Use of jargon, i.e. complicated, unfamiliar or technical terms.
  8. Preventing others from contributing by changing the subject or disrupting.
  9. Body language - crossing the arms or legs, facial expressions, body direction in turning away from a person can make one feel uncomfortable and less likely to communicate.
  10. Lack of privacy - think carefully about where and when to have private and confidential conversations as people will not want to share personal information in front of others.

Effective communication:

  1. Speaking clearly and holding eye contact.
  2. Not speaking too quickly.
  3. Not interrupting or finishing sentences for others.
  4. Giving the person who's speaking time to think.
  5. Ensuring you're in a suitable environment e.g. quiet, and not too busy.
  6. Listening carefully, using body language and your eyes to show your interest.
  7. Ensuring that you understand each other by reacting to what's being said and repeating the message if necessary.
  8. Using images to support the verbal message.
  9. Using technological aids e.g. computer programs, apps and mobile phones.
  10. Ensuring that your questions are open-ended to promote further communication
  11. Don't assume that you already know what the other person is trying to say.

Correct answers

Communication barriers:

  1. The environment, for example lack of access for wheelchair users, or a noisy environment that can affect people's ability to communicate effectively.
  2. Disability or impairment, for example a vision or hearing impairment can cause communication issues.
  3. Additional language - families/carers who don't speak the main language of the setting can find it hard to communicate with staff.
  4. Cultural differences - social interaction practices vary in different cultures. For example, the concept of personal space varies from culture to culture.
  5. Attitudes, for example if a childcare worker has no time to talk to a parent/carer, they may feel frustrated and not want to communicate.
  6. Distraction such as a phone ringing.
  7. Use of jargon, i.e. complicated, unfamiliar or technical terms.
  8. Preventing others from contributing by changing the subject or disrupting.
  9. Body language - crossing the arms or legs, facial expressions, body direction in turning away from a person can make one feel uncomfortable and less likely to communicate.
  10. Lack of privacy - think carefully about where and when to have private and confidential conversations as people will not want to share personal information in front of others.

Effective communication:

  1. Speaking clearly and holding eye contact.
  2. Not speaking too quickly.
  3. Not interrupting or finishing sentences for others.
  4. Giving the person who's speaking time to think.
  5. Ensuring you're in a suitable environment e.g. quiet, and not too busy.
  6. Listening carefully, using body language and your eyes to show your interest.
  7. Ensuring that you understand each other by reacting to what's being said and repeating the message if necessary.
  8. Using images to support the verbal message.
  9. Using technological aids e.g. computer programs, apps and mobile phones.
  10. Ensuring that your questions are open-ended to promote further communication
  11. Don't assume that you already know what the other person is trying to say.

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Eich ateb

Rhwystrau cyfathrebu:

  1. Yr amgylchedd, er enghraifft gall diffyg mynediad i bobl sy’n defnyddio cadair olwyn, neu amgylchedd swnllyd effeithio ar allu pobl i gyfathrebu’n effeithiol.
  2. Anabledd neu amhariad, er enghraifft gall nam ar y golwg neu glyw achosi problemau cyfathrebu.
  3. Iaith ychwanegol. Gall deuluoedd/gofalwyr sydd heb fod yn siarad prif iaith y lleoliad ei chael yn anodd cyfathrebu gyda’r staff.
  4. Gwahaniaethau diwylliannol. Mae arferion rhyngweithio cymdeithasol yn amrywio mewn gwahanol ddiwylliannau. Er enghraifft, mae'r cysyniad o ofod personol yn amrywio o ddiwylliant i ddiwylliant.
  5. Agweddau, er enghraifft, os nad oes gan ymarferwr amser i siarad gyda rhiant/gofalwr, efallai byddent yn teimlo’n rhwystredig a heb fod eisiau cyfathrebu.
  6. Gwrthdyniad megis ffôn yn canu.
  7. Defnyddio jargon, sef termau cymhleth, anghyfarwydd neu dechnegol.
  8. Atal cyfraniad eraill wrth newid y testun neu aflonyddu.
  9. Iaith y corff. Gall croesi’r breichiau neu goesau, mynegiant y wyneb, cyfeiriad y corff wrth droi oddi wrth berson wneud i rywun deimlo’n anghyffyrddus ac yn llai tebygol o gyfathrebu.
  10. Diffyg preifatrwydd. Meddyliwch yn ofalus ynghylch ble a phryd y dylid cynnal sgyrsiau preifat a chyfrinachol. Ni fydd pobl yn awyddus i rannu gwybodaeth bersonol o flaen eraill.

Cyfathrebu effeithiol:

  1. Siarad yn glir a chynnal cyswllt llygaid.
  2. Peidio siarad yn rhy gyflym.
  3. Peidio torri ar draws na gorffen brawddegau i eraill.
  4. Rhoi amser i’r person sy’n siarad.
  5. Sicrhau eich bod mewn amgylchedd addas e.e. tawel, heb fod yn rhy brysur.
  6. Gwrando yn ofalus, gan ddefnyddio iaith y corff a’ch llygaid i ddangos eich diddordeb.
  7. Sicrhau eich bod yn deall eich gilydd, drwy ymateb i’r hyn sydd yn cael ei ddweud, ac ail-adrodd y neges os oes angen.
  8. Defnyddio lluniau i gefnogi’r neges eiriol.
  9. Defnyddio cymhorthion technolegol e.e. rhaglenni cyfrifiadurol, apiau a ffonau symudol.
  10. Sicrhau bod eich cwestiynau yn agored er mwyn hybu cyfathrebu pellach
  11. Peidiwch â thybio eich bod yn gwybod yn barod beth mae’r person arall yn ceisio dweud.

Atebion cywir

Rhwystrau cyfathrebu:

  1. Yr amgylchedd, er enghraifft gall diffyg mynediad i bobl sy’n defnyddio cadair olwyn, neu amgylchedd swnllyd effeithio ar allu pobl i gyfathrebu’n effeithiol.
  2. Anabledd neu amhariad, er enghraifft gall nam ar y golwg neu glyw achosi problemau cyfathrebu.
  3. Iaith ychwanegol. Gall deuluoedd/gofalwyr sydd heb fod yn siarad prif iaith y lleoliad ei chael yn anodd cyfathrebu gyda’r staff.
  4. Gwahaniaethau diwylliannol. Mae arferion rhyngweithio cymdeithasol yn amrywio mewn gwahanol ddiwylliannau. Er enghraifft, mae'r cysyniad o ofod personol yn amrywio o ddiwylliant i ddiwylliant.
  5. Agweddau, er enghraifft, os nad oes gan ymarferwr amser i siarad gyda rhiant/gofalwr, efallai byddent yn teimlo’n rhwystredig a heb fod eisiau cyfathrebu.
  6. Gwrthdyniad megis ffôn yn canu.
  7. Defnyddio jargon, sef termau cymhleth, anghyfarwydd neu dechnegol.
  8. Atal cyfraniad eraill wrth newid y testun neu aflonyddu.
  9. Iaith y corff. Gall croesi’r breichiau neu goesau, mynegiant y wyneb, cyfeiriad y corff wrth droi oddi wrth berson wneud i rywun deimlo’n anghyffyrddus ac yn llai tebygol o gyfathrebu.
  10. Diffyg preifatrwydd. Meddyliwch yn ofalus ynghylch ble a phryd y dylid cynnal sgyrsiau preifat a chyfrinachol. Ni fydd pobl yn awyddus i rannu gwybodaeth bersonol o flaen eraill.

Cyfathrebu effeithiol:

  1. Siarad yn glir a chynnal cyswllt llygaid.
  2. Peidio siarad yn rhy gyflym.
  3. Peidio torri ar draws na gorffen brawddegau i eraill.
  4. Rhoi amser i’r person sy’n siarad.
  5. Sicrhau eich bod mewn amgylchedd addas e.e. tawel, heb fod yn rhy brysur.
  6. Gwrando yn ofalus, gan ddefnyddio iaith y corff a’ch llygaid i ddangos eich diddordeb.
  7. Sicrhau eich bod yn deall eich gilydd, drwy ymateb i’r hyn sydd yn cael ei ddweud, ac ail-adrodd y neges os oes angen.
  8. Defnyddio lluniau i gefnogi’r neges eiriol.
  9. Defnyddio cymhorthion technolegol e.e. rhaglenni cyfrifiadurol, apiau a ffonau symudol.
  10. Sicrhau bod eich cwestiynau yn agored er mwyn hybu cyfathrebu pellach
  11. Peidiwch â thybio eich bod yn gwybod yn barod beth mae’r person arall yn ceisio dweud.

Mae gennych allan o yn gywir. Symudwch rhai o'r termau o gwmpas i geisio gwella eich sgôr.

Da iawn. Mae gennych allan o yn gywir.

Mae gennych allan o yn gywir. Cliciwch ‘ailosod’ er mwyn rhoi cynnig arall ar y gweithgaredd.

Mae gennych allan o yn gywir. Symudwch rhai o'r termau o gwmpas i geisio gwella eich sgôr

Da iawn. Mae gennych allan o yn gywir.

Mae gennych allan o yn gywir. Cliciwch ‘ailosod’ er mwyn rhoi cynnig arall ar y gweithgaredd.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.