Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (2024)

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Homemade sourdough pasta is incredible. The tang of the sourdough starter discard adds a depth of flavor that the average noodle can't match!

I'm a carb junkie. I freely admit it.

I am my best self when I've been eating carbs.

Don't lie, you're the same way! You're here, reading this recipe, after all!

This pasta is guilt-free. It's lightly fermented and totally homemade from scratch. These are the good carbs "they" talk about!

This sourdough pasta recipe is dedicated to the good carbs.

Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (1)
Jump to:
  • Tips + Tricks
  • Key Ingredients
  • How To Make Sourdough Pasta
  • Batch + Storage Information
  • How To Cook Homemade Pasta
  • More Sourdough Recipes To Try
  • Variations + Substitutions
  • Recommended Equipment
  • 📖 Printable Recipe

Tips + Tricks

No. 1 -->New to sourdough? Need a starter? Check out my superEASY SOURDOUGH STARTER. It's ready in 24 hours!

No. 2 --> This recipe can be rolled by hand or with a pasta rolling machine. No need for fancy equipment if you don't have it! If kneading by hand, knead for 10-15 minutes, or until a smooth elastic dough forms. The sourdough discard pasta dough can be rolled with a tenacious hand and a heavy rolling pin!

No. 3 --> As with ALL my recipes, make absolutely sure to measure your flour using the scoop and level method. This involves vigorously stirring the flour in your container or bag, then spooning it into your measuring cup before leveling it off using the back of a knife or spoon handle. This ensures a more consistent result from batch to batch.

No. 4 --> Not all sourdough discards are equal. A fresher, recently fed (within 7 days) sourdough discard will have a much more mild sour flavor than an aged discard been unfed in the back of the fridge for 2-3 weeks. I like to age my sourdough in the fridge for at least 2 weeks after my last addition to get the best tang!

No. 5 --> Because these homemade noodles have so much flavor, one of our favorite ways to eat them is to make a simple garlic butter pasta!

Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (2)

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Key Ingredients

Sourdough discard: This recipe is pretty flexible when it comes to starter discard. Use the stuff you've been saving in the fridge for a week or use the leftover's from this morning's feeding. Just make sure your starter is 100% hydration, and you stir down any bubbles before measuring! Ensure your discard is near room temperature before using, and stir in any hooch that has accumulated on the top, this affects the flavor as well as the hydration level.

Eggs: The yellow yolks of the egg are what gives this dough it's gorgeous yellow color and tender silky texture.

Flour: I use a high protein all purpose flour in my kitchen for most things. Use flour with ~ 12% protein. This will result in the most consistent results. Calculate protein content as follows:

Grams of Protein / Grams per Serving = _________ X 100 = ______%.
ex:4gprotein /30gper serving =.1333x100=13.3% protein

Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (3)

How To Make Sourdough Pasta


  1. In the bowl of your stand mixer, add the flour.
  2. Then crack the eggs and add them to the flour. Use a fork to whisk up the eggs and break the yolks. Then add the sourdough discard to the bowl.
  3. Knead with the dough hook for 5-8 minutes or until a silky smooth dough forms. It will be quite tacky at first but as it continues to knead it will firm up. It should be slightly tacky to the touch when done kneading and feel smooth and elastic.
  4. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap (or do like me and use a shower cap!) and set aside for 30 minutes to 3 hours at room temperature, or up to 2 days in the fridge.
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (4)
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (5)
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (6)
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (7)


  1. Generously flour a clean work surface. Prepare a baking sheet by generously sprinkling with flour, then set aside. If at any point, the dough is sticking to the counter or to the roller, add more flour! Clamp a pasta roller to your counter or table.
  2. Portion the dough into 4-6 pieces. Keep the portions of dough you're not working in a covered bowl.
  3. Press or roll the dough into an oval-shaped disc, flouring both sides well. Feed this through your pasta roller set on the widest setting.
  4. Continue rolling the pasta dough through the machine as you gradually reduce the thickness of the dough one roll pass at a time. If the dough sticks to the work surface, dust it with flour on both sides. Flour is a good thing here! If the dough gets too long to handle, simply cut the sheet in half. For these photos, I worked with LONG sheets to get the best images, but I generally keep my noodles 10 inches or less, as it's easier to handle.
  5. Once the dough has reached your desired thickness, sprinkle it with flour again, then transfer the handle to the cutter attachment and feed the sheet through the cutting blades to cut your desired shape (fettuccini or spaghetti) OR leave it as a sheet for lasagna noodles. Sprinkle, or dredge the cut noodles in more flour to prevent sticking.
  6. If you don't have a pasta drying rack, swirl the cut noodles into pasta nests and place them on the floured baking sheet to dry for at least 30 minutes. I like to turn mine over after 30 minutes and let them dry a further 20-30 minutes.
  7. Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough.
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (8)
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (9)
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (10)
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (11)
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (12)

*NOTE: This pasta is a little bit softer than a traditional rolled pasta. If your pasta roller does not want to cut the dough, it's because your dough is too soft. Knead a bit more flour into the piece you're working with, then send it through the flat rollers again before attempting to cut sourdough discard noodles.

Batch + Storage Information


This sourdough pasta recipe makes about 8 to 10 servings. This recipe can easily be halved or doubled. I like to make large quantities while I've got the mess out!


Once the sourdough noodles have been rolled, cut, and dried, it can be cooked immediately, stored in the fridge for up to 3 days, or even frozen in an airtight container for up to 3 months.

Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (13)

How To Cook Homemade Pasta

  1. To cook fresh homemade sourdough pasta, bring a pot of salted water to boil. Add a glug of olive oil to help tame the bubbles.
  2. Add the homemade fresh pasta to the boiling water and cook, stirring often for 3-4 minutes or until cooked to your desired consistency.
  3. Toss the sourdough pasta in your favorite sauce.

Note: Homemade pasta likes to boil over! Watch your pot while cooking the pasta cause it foams up very quickly. I actually like to use a large pot less than half-filled with water for this exact reason.

Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (14)

More Sourdough Recipes To Try

  • Everything Bagel Sourdough
  • Whole Wheat Sourdough
  • Lemon Blueberry Sourdough
  • Rosemary Sourdough Bread

Variations + Substitutions

  • Whole wheat sourdough pasta: Add 1 cup of whole wheat flour in place of 1 cup of unbleached high protein flour.
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (19)

Recommended Equipment

Stand mixer:I use myKITCHENAID MIXERfor so many things. It makes everything much easier - I couldn't live without it for my baking! I've got a bum wrist on my dominant hand which makes kneading quite difficult, having my stand mixer is such a blessing.

Pasta machine: While this pasta recipe can be made without a pasta roller, there's something really polished about having a pasta roller to do the work. The noodles are consistently rolled and cut. There are manual pasta rollers, which is what I have, and special KitchenAid attachments to automate the process.

📖 Printable Recipe

Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (20)

Yield: 10 servings

Sourdough Pasta

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Rest Time: 30 minutes

Rolling Time: 45 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour 25 minutes

Fresh sourdough pasta is easy to make at home! This 3 ingredient recipe is full of flavor and totally worth the effort.


  • 3 cups bread flour or high protein all purpose flour *see note
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup sourdough discard, stirred down
  • 1 cup flour, for working the dough


Make the dough with a stand mixer:

  1. In the bowl of your stand mixer, add the flour.
  2. Then crack the eggs and add them to the flour. Use a fork to whisk up the eggs and break the yolks. Then add the sourdough discard to the bowl.
  3. Knead with the dough hook for 5-8 minutes or until a silky smooth dough forms. It will be quite tacky at first but as it continues to knead it will firm up. It should be slightly tacky to the touch when done kneading and feel smooth and elastic.
  4. Cover the bowl and set aside to rest for 30 minutes to 3 hours at room temperature, or up to 2 days in the fridge.

Make the dough by hand:

  1. Pour flour onto a clean working surface, make a well in the centre of the pile.
  2. Crack the eggs into the well, and whisk them to break up the yolks. Add the sourdough discard.
  3. Begin mixing the dough slowly scraping flour from the outsides of the well and combining with the egg and sourdough discard. Continue gradually incorporating flour until the liquid dough is thickened, then begin to fold the dough into the flour.
  4. Knead the dough for 10-12 minutes, until an elastic dough forms.
  5. Place the dough in a clean bowl, cover, and set aside for 30 minutes to 3 hours at room temperature, or up to 2 days in the fridge.

Make the pasta with a pasta machine:

  1. Generously flour a clean work surface. Prepare a baking sheet by generously sprinkling with flour, then set aside. If at any point, the dough is sticking to the counter or to the roller, add more flour! Clamp a pasta roller to your counter or table.
  2. Portion the dough into 4-6 pieces. Keep the portions of dough you're not working in a covered bowl.
  3. Press or roll the dough into an oval-shaped disc, flouring both sides well. Feed this through your pasta roller set on the widest setting.
  4. Continue rolling the pasta dough through the machine as you gradually reduce the thickness of the dough one roll pass at a time. If the dough sticks to the work surface, dust it with flour on both sides. Flour is a good thing here!
  5. Once the dough has reached your desired thickness, sprinkle it with flour again, then transfer the handle to the cutter attachment and feed the sheet through the cutting blades to cut your desired shape (fettuccini or spaghetti) OR leave it as a sheet for lasagna noodles. Sprinkle, or dredge the cut noodles in more flour to prevent sticking.
  6. If you don't have a pasta drying rack, swirl the cut noodles into pasta nests and place them on the floured baking sheet to dry for at least 30 minutes. I like to turn mine over after 30 minutes and let them dry a further 20-30 minutes.
  7. Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough.

Make the pasta by hand:

  1. Generously flour a clean work surface. Prepare a baking sheet by generously sprinkling with flour, then set aside. If at any point, the dough is sticking to the counter or to the roller, add more flour! Clamp a pasta roller to your counter or table.
  2. Portion the dough into 4-6 pieces. Keep the portions of dough you're not working in a covered bowl.
  3. Press or roll the dough into an oval-shaped disc, flouring both sides well. Roll the dough until it's about 1 - 2 mm thick. Add flour to the cutting board and rolling pin as needed to prevent sticking.
  4. Once the dough is to your desired thickness, sprinkle it with flour again. Roll the dough into a loose, flat roll, from one short end to the opposite.
  5. Slice across the rolled dough with a sharp knife or pizza cutter into even ribbons or strips. Unroll the noodles, sprinkle with flour again!
  6. If you don't have a pasta drying rack, swirl the cut noodles into pasta nests and place them on the floured baking sheet to dry for at least 30 minutes. I like to turn mine over after 30 minutes and let them dry a further 20-30 minutes.
  7. Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough.

Cook the pasta:

  1. To cook fresh homemade sourdough pasta, bring a pot of salted water to boil. Add a glug of olive oil to help tame the bubbles.
  2. Add the homemade fresh pasta to the boiling water and cook, stirring often for 3-4 minutes or until cooked to your desired consistency.
  3. Toss the sourdough pasta in your favorite sauce.


FLOUR: measure your flour using the scoop and level method. This involves vigorously stirring the flour in your container or bag, then spooning it into your measuring cup before leveling it off using the back of a knife or spoon handle


This sourdough pasta recipe makes about 8 to 10 servings. This recipe can easily be halved or doubled. I like to make large quantities while I've got the mess out!


Once the sourdough pasta has been rolled, cut, and dried, it can be cooked immediately, stored in the fridge for up to 3 days, or even frozen in an airtight container for up to 3 months.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 393Total Fat: 9gSaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 75mgSodium: 154mgCarbohydrates: 63gFiber: 2gSugar: 0gProtein: 14g

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Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (26)
Sourdough Pasta Recipe {Only 3 Ingredients!} - crave the good (2024)


What happens if you use too much sourdough starter in a recipe? ›

If you have too much starter compared to the additional flour and water you're adding, your hungry starter consumes all the nutrients and then it's not as bubbly.

Is sourdough pasta good for you? ›

Sourdough ferments whatever it touches. With adequate time and temperature, the natural acids and friendly bacteria breaks down the hard-to-digest gluten enzymes making sourdough pasta easier digest.

What flour makes the most sour sourdough starter? ›

For more tang: Incorporate some rye flour and/or whole wheat flour early in the bread-making process, such as when feeding the mother culture and the preferment. Rye flour in particular will help your culture produce some acetic acid.

What happens if you use more sourdough starter than the recipe calls for? ›

The more starter you use, the faster your dough will ferment - resulting in a less sour loaf. Of course the amount of starter is actually a ratio in relation to the flour - so 50g of starter to 500g of flour will ferment at a much slower rate than 200g of starter to 500g of flour.

What happens if you over ferment sourdough? ›

If you over-ferment the dough you run the risk of the gluten structure degrading and the loaf turning into a puddle of goo before your eyes, never to be retrieved and destined for the bin.

How to make sourdough more sour? ›

More stretch and folds

Typically, people do about 3-5 stretch and folds in the process of making a loaf of sourdough bread. If you do 2-4 more of them, it helps produce a more sour dough.

Is sourdough pasta better for you than regular pasta? ›

According to WebMD, the bacteria present in sourdough can help increase our ability to retain its nutrients, which include magnesium and potassium. Perhaps most famously, sourdough is good for your gut and acts like a prebiotic to help keep your digestive system healthy (via WebMD).

Why is sourdough bread not fattening? ›

Sourdough bread's fiber, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium content all support a heart-healthy diet. The soluble fiber found in sourdough bread binds to dietary cholesterol in the small intestine, helping pass this fat through the system instead of absorbing it.

Is sourdough bread an inflammatory food? ›

The best bread to reduce gut inflammation is bread made from whole grains. Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet.

What is the best combination of flour for sourdough? ›

The best flour blend for creating a new sourdough starter is 50% whole-meal flour (whole wheat or whole rye) and 50% bread flour or all-purpose flour. I recommend a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour.

What is the best strong flour for sourdough? ›

Sourdough Flours - The best flour for making Sourdough
  • Matthews Cotswold Churchill Strong White Bakers Flour 16kg. ...
  • Matthews Cotswold Organic Premium Wholemeal Flour. ...
  • Matthews Cotswold Organic Stoneground Wholemeal Bread Flour 1.5kg, 4.5kg & 7.5kg. ...
  • Matthews Cotswold Organic Strong White Bread Flour 1.5kg, 4.5kg & 7.5kg.

What is the healthiest flour for sourdough bread? ›

Compared to whole wheat flour, rye flour is said to be the most nutrient- and amylase-dense option for a sourdough starter. Overall, it has a lower gluten protein content than wheat flour, which means it produces slack, sticky, and dense doughs.

Is it cheaper to buy or make sourdough? ›

Is It Cheaper To Make Your Own Sourdough? Yes it's cheaper to make your own sourdough at home, as oppose to buying it from a bakery.

Why do you discard half the sourdough starter? ›

If you don't get rid of the excess, eventually you'll have more starter than your feedings can sustain. After a few days, your daily 1/4 cup flour and water won't be enough to sustain your entire jar of starter, and your starter will be slow and sluggish, not much better than discard itself.

Is sourdough better with an older starter? ›

While the age of your starter won't make your bread any better — turns out, only good sourdough practices can do that — it's a link in the long legacy of sourdough, one of the oldest forms of baking that exists. Whether your starter is a week or a decade old, you can become part of that lineage as well.

What does overfed sourdough starter look like? ›

An overfed starter can be too diluted and it will be very watery. Your workers are there, they are just overwhelmed with too much food and water. When this happens, first leave it out in the warmth overnight. In the morning discard all but a tablespoon of starter and feed it.

Can you over ferment sourdough starter? ›

Recommended feeding ratio 1:4:4 or even 1:5:5. Feeding it only once a day, or in a low feeding ratio can lead to an over fermented starter. And it's not only the flavour/odour that will be rather sour, but also the wild yeast activity is compromised.

What is the best ratio for sourdough starter? ›

Typical feeding ratios are 1:2:2 or 1:3:3 (old sourdough: fresh flour: water). However, even extreme ratios like 1:50:50 would still work. In that case, the freshly fed sourdough would just require more or much more time to grow and reach its peak, as judged by the maximum volume increase in the jar (at least doubled).

How do I know if I ruined my sourdough starter? ›

If your sourdough starter exhibits any of these signs: - Smells like acetone or vinegar - Has a runny consistency - Is full of tiny bubbles or foaming - Doubles in size and then falls back down - Develops a clear, gray, or black liquid on top - Gets a white, powdery substance on the surface It's time to feed it!

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.