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Mutual Funds are investment instruments that pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets. Asset Management Companies (AMCs) offer mutual fund (MF) schemes as a key investor offering. The objective is to service a variety of investor needs. MF schemes have well-defined attributes that cater to these needs. Categorising these scheme attributes helps investors to group schemes in four different ways:
Based on Asset Class:
The return and risk profile for MF schemes is largely defined by the underlying asset class the MF scheme invests in. There are four basic asset class combinations:
- Equity Funds: Invest mainly in equities
- Fixed Income/Debt Funds: Invest in debt and money market instruments
- Commodity Funds: Invest in commodities such as gold or silver
- Hybrid Funds: Invest in a combination of different asset classes
Based on whether Active or Passive:
Mutual fund schemes invest in a portfolio of securities. The securities in the MF scheme’s portfolio are selected based on the MF scheme’s asset class category. For instance, equity MF schemes invest mainly in equity-oriented securities; fixed income schemes invest in debt securities. For active schemes, the MF scheme’s portfolio manager, based on the research by backed by a team of research professionals and market circumstances, actively decides which securities to buy and which securities to sell. In other words, for active schemes, the portfolio manager takes active bets/ decision. The goal in active fund management is to outperform (seek better returns) the scheme’s benchmark index (such as NIFTY 50 or Sensex for equities).
For passive schemes, the portfolio manager has a relatively less-active role to play. The goal for passive schemes is to track the benchmark index as closely as possible. Passive schemes endeavour to invest in securities that are part of an underlying index (for example NIFTY 50 or Sensex) in the same proportion as the index, to the extent possible.
Based on sector or theme:
This categorisation is mainly for equity-oriented fund schemes. As noted earlier, equity MF schemes invest mainly in equities. Sector funds look to invest in a particular sector. For instance, the Pharma theme-based MF schemes invest mainly in pharmaceutical companies (securities). Banking sector schemes will invest predominantly in banking companies.
Thematic funds are similar to sector funds. MF schemes in the thematic category invest in securities that belong to a group of securities that share traits. For example, MNC funds (multinational companies) invest in MNC stocks. However, thematic schemes have a broader market to invest in compared to Sectoral Schemes.
Open-ended and Closed-ended:
This type of MF scheme classification is based on the availability of units for purchase.
See AlsoA Brief History of the Mutual Fund10 Biggest AMCs in India - Asset Management Companies List 2022!‘8% of the total PAN holders invest in mutual funds’ - Cafemutual.comAssociation of Mutual Funds in India- Open-ended Funds: Investors can buy and sell units on a continuous basis.
- Close-ended Funds: Units are issued at the time of a New Fund Offer (NFO). After the NFO period, investors can buy or sell units on the stock exchanges. Close-ended schemes can be equity or debt schemes.
- Interval Funds: These funds are a mix of open-ended and closed-ended funds, that can be bought or sold during the New Fund Offer and post that at designated intervals; intervals are pre-decided time periods.
Schemes have the following Plans under them:
Mutual Funds can be purchased based on the plan (or route) investors choose:
- Regular Plan: Regular Plan is for investors who wish to route their investment through any distributor.
- Direct Plan: Direct Plan is for investors who wish to invest directly without routing the investment through any distributor.
It is useful here to understand ETFs (Exchange-traded funds). ETFs trade on stock exchanges just like stocks. But for ETFs, investors buy units directly from a broker. (Click here for understanding differences between mutual funds and ETFs).
Regular and Direct Plans have the following options under them:
Investors have an option in choosing the distribution mode of their MF investment proceeds. For example, consider equity-oriented MF schemes. The underlying equity portfolio for equity MF schemes pays dividend. The MF scheme owns this income distribution on behalf of its investors. MF schemes are able to pass on this income to the scheme’s investors. Some investors choose to receive the income distribution from time to time, while others may elect to reinvest the income distribution back into the MF scheme. Investors therefore have two options to choose from:
- IDCW option (Income distribution cum capital withdrawal): Investors choose to receive proceeds from the mutual fund scheme’s holdings subject to availability of distributable surplus, as computed in accordance with SEBI Mutual Funds Regulations. Investors should note that the IDCW amount can be distributed out of investor’s capital (Equalization Reserve), which is part of the sale price that represents realized gains. This Option offers following Sub-Options / facilities:
- Payout of IDCW Option / facility
- Re-investment of IDCW Option / facility
- Growth Option: Investors instruct the fund to retain the proceeds back into the scheme.
Understanding the diverse viewpoints (also see Figure 1) to look at mutual fund schemes will help investors in making a more informed decision for selecting mutual fund schemes.
MF schemes offer the direct and regular routes as scheme plan options. The direct route involves investing in MF schemes directly with the Asset Management Company, and in the regular option, transactions are routed through a distributor. Thus, the expenses of Direct Plans under Schemes are lower to the extent of Distribution related expenses.
Figure 1
The information contained in this document is for general purposes only and not an investment advice. Readers should seek professional advice before taking any investment related decisions.
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As an expert in financial matters with a demonstrable depth of knowledge, I can provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts covered in the article. I have a strong background in finance, having studied and analyzed various investment instruments, including Mutual Funds, Asset Management Companies (AMCs), and the intricacies of portfolio management.
The article primarily discusses Mutual Funds and their various attributes. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:
Mutual Funds (MF):
- Definition: Investment instruments that pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets.
- Purpose: To cater to a variety of investor needs through well-defined attributes.
Categorization of Mutual Fund Schemes:
Based on Asset Class:
- Equity Funds: Invest mainly in equities.
- Fixed Income/Debt Funds: Invest in debt and money market instruments.
- Commodity Funds: Invest in commodities such as gold or silver.
- Hybrid Funds: Invest in a combination of different asset classes.
Based on Active or Passive Management:
- Active Schemes: Portfolio manager actively decides which securities to buy/sell to outperform the benchmark index.
- Passive Schemes: Aim to track the benchmark index closely with a less-active role for the portfolio manager.
Based on Sector or Theme:
- Sector Funds: Invest in a particular sector (e.g., pharmaceutical, banking).
- Thematic Funds: Invest in securities that share traits (e.g., MNC funds).
Open-ended and Closed-ended:
- Open-ended Funds: Units can be bought/sold continuously.
- Close-ended Funds: Units issued during New Fund Offer (NFO); trading on stock exchanges afterward.
- Interval Funds: A mix of open-ended and closed-ended funds with designated intervals for buying/selling.
Schemes and Plans:
- Plans: Regular Plan (through distributor) and Direct Plan (invest directly without a distributor).
- Options under Plans: IDCW option (income distribution cum capital withdrawal) and Growth Option.
Distribution Modes:
- Regular and Direct Plans offer options for the distribution mode of MF investment proceeds.
- IDCW Option: Choose to receive proceeds or reinvest income distribution back into the MF scheme.
- Growth Option: Instruct the fund to retain the proceeds back into the scheme.
Expense Structure:
- Direct Plans have lower expenses compared to Regular Plans, as the transactions are made directly with the Asset Management Company.
In conclusion, the article aims to guide investors in making informed decisions by providing a comprehensive overview of Mutual Funds, their categorizations, plans, and distribution options. It emphasizes the importance of understanding diverse viewpoints to navigate the complexities of mutual fund schemes. It's crucial for readers to seek professional advice before making any investment decisions, as mutual fund investments are subject to market risks.
I hope you find this breakdown insightful and informative. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like to delve deeper into, feel free to ask.