What Is a Chalazion? (2024)

What are the symptoms of a chalazion?

If you have a chalazion, you’ll notice a bump on your eyelid. It usually affects your upper lid. When a chalazion first develops, it may be painful, but the pain will quickly go away. As the chalazion grows, it may become red, swollen and tender.

Other chalazion symptoms may include:

  • Mild irritation, causing your eye to water.
  • Blurred vision from a larger chalazion pushing on your eyeball.
  • Entirely swollen eyelid.

What causes a chalazion?

A chalazion develops when something blocks a small oil gland in your eyelid. These glands (meibomian glands) help keep your eyes moist. A blocked gland begins retaining oil and swells. Eventually, the fluid will drain, causing irritation to your surrounding eyelid skin. This irritation can lead to a hard lump filled with the oil and fluid on your eyelid.

Are chalazia contagious?

No, chalazia aren’t contagious. Bacterial infections don’t cause them, so bacteria can’t spread from person to person.

What are the risk factors for developing a chalazion?

Chalazia are very common, and anyone can get them. But you may be more likely to get a chalazion if you:


What are the complications of chalazia?

Larger chalazia can press on the surface of your eye (cornea), which can lead to blurred and decreased vision.

What Is a Chalazion? (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.