[Class Discussion] In view of the Ninja's rework, I think it's fair to say Sorceress deserves something more. | Black Desert NA/EU (2024)

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Last Edit : Nov 8, 2021, 13:00 (UTC)

# 1

Ninja is somewhat similar to sorc, with more mobility, 2 grabs, more damage, 1s CD on its iframe and smaller aoes.
Both classes strengths can overall be compared and ninja is generally regarded as the strongest of the two.

A big part of it is due to ninja's speed, which it partly gets from its 10% atack speed passive (and 17%as rabam).

On top of this, ninja is now getting a new 10% attack speed buff on a protected skill with its rework.

Meanwhile, sorc's new cast speed buff is only +5%, and only on unprotected skills.

Isn't rework supposed to bring balance to old classes??
At least balance out the new speed buffs of two similar classes, and give sorc +10% cast speed buff on a protected skill on top of claws of darkness.

Ninja is also getting more block damage while it already has a very good block damage core skill.

So far, Sorc gets nothing.

Please consider giving Violation's damage back with qol buffs to the skill, and add FG back to vile plan with slightly buffed damage (suggestion n°2 here)

and please give Core:GRJ's SA to the normal skill and the knockdown to Core like you did to ninja's Drastic Measure

Sorc has no Core variety because we are way too reliant on Core:GRJ.

I'm not saying Ninja does not deserve buffs, I think it's one of the best reworks so far but Sorceress should definitely get some of the love ninja's getting.


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Lv 63


Last Edit : Nov 8, 2021, 15:02 (UTC)

# 2

First off sorc and ninja are not even remotely similar just because they are assassins does not make them similar. The very Fundamentals of how they play are different. Ninjas damage is not that high in end game gear because we have a major lack of accuracy if you have zero evasion sure we hit hard the moment you start adding evasion to the equation regardless if your stacking it or not our damage starts to fall off hard because we have zero accuracy. You guys are generally more protected than ninja is at all stages of a fight your ability to 1vx is much greater than ours and your ability to dish out damage is just as high as ours or better for that matter. You can literally blow people away through their super armors thats not something ninja is really capable of unless you severely outgear the person your fighting against.

You guys got really great changes made to your awaken kit that are not small by any means being able to spam tp in awaken without having to switch is huge. Its a bigger buff then you guys have given credit to. your awaken tp into fg was one of they few places you were really vulnerable assuming you could get behind the fg in the first. pretty much every single skill in your kit can be cancel'd by your tp another huge major thing you guys downplay a lot that makes a big difference in the amount of practical use protection that you have. since your tp is an iframe the fact that you can cancel the majority of your skills animations while getting the benefits of the damage or cc and sometimes even both while doing so gives you much more protection than you realize. You are quite literally the hardest class in the game to catch and grabbing you is like asking to blow up the white house as a random citizen aka its possible but the odds of it happening are slim. Because of the simple fact that you can cancel basically everything you do and if anyone misses that grab they are dead.

You have access to 2 skills that hit so damn hard its not even funny that are protected I might add one of which got a huge buff that gives you big outplay potential and that would be grim reapers judgement and cartians nightmare both skills do serpents ascension lvls of damage without the need to float gaining air attack modifiers to achieve that damage and they are protected on top of it all. Drastic measure got protected the whole way through but that skill doesnt even come close to grim reapers judgement damage levels not even in black spirit rage 100% version. it does half the damage either of those two skills you have do which is why you never see ninjas using it anymore because the damage for a charge skill is awful and its the only skill we have that has accuracy on it and it still hits like a wet noodle.

Cartians nightmare will literally melt your face off in the blink of an eye and now you can tp with it and continue its wave of destruction its also faster now. graim still does insane damage and imo was fine as is I wish drastic did what grim does i would gladly trade skills in a heartbeat. Sorc got really nice buffs man especially for a class that was and has always been very strong. the only thing you guys shoulkd be asking for at this point is work done to your succession kit because your awaken kit got love those changes they made are not small ones even if they seem like it in practical use those changes are gonna be huge for you guys.


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Last Edit : Nov 8, 2021, 15:35 (UTC)

# 3

On: Nov 8, 2021, 12:59 (UTC), Written by askore

Ninja is somewhat similar to sorc, with more mobility, 2 grabs, more damage, 1s CD on its iframe and smaller aoes.
Both classes strengths can overall be compared and ninja is generally regarded as the strongest of the two.

A big part of it is due to ninja's speed, which it partly gets from its 10% atack speed passive (and 17%as rabam).

On top of this, ninja is now getting a new 10% attack speed buff on a protected skill with its rework.

Meanwhile, sorc's new cast speed buff is only +5%, and only on unprotected skills.

Isn't rework supposed to bring balance to old classes??
At least balance out the new speed buffs of two similar classes, and give sorc +10% cast speed buff on a protected skill on top of claws of darkness.

Ninja is also getting more block damage while it already has a very good block damage core skill.

So far, Sorc gets nothing.

Please consider giving Violation's damage back with qol buffs to the skill, and add FG back to vile plan with slightly buffed damage (suggestion n°2 here)

and please give Core:GRJ's SA to the normal skill and the knockdown to Core like you did to ninja's Drastic Measure

Sorc has no Core variety because we are way too reliant on Core:GRJ.

I'm not saying Ninja does not deserve buffs, I think it's one of the best reworks so far but Sorceress should definitely get some of the love ninja's getting.

Also forgot to mention that our just recently made into an actual I frame skill called ghost step is on a 2 sec cooldown contrary to popular belief as it always has been.

Last Edit : Nov 8, 2021, 16:22 (UTC)

# 4

On: Nov 8, 2021, 15:33 (UTC), Written by Izanagi345

Also forgot to mention that our just recently made into am actual I frame called ghost step is on 2 sec cooldown contrary to popular belief as it always has been.

lol, I wasn't going to answer because basically everything you said is false and sounds like it comes from someone that has never bothered learning what sorc does, but what the hell is that?

I literally just logged on my ninja and used ghost step 20 times in 20 seconds. I think you have more pressing things to do than replying on my posts, like maybe learning your own class.

1: sorc could already bypass awakening iframe's CD, it's simply very annoying to do over and over.

2: almost no one uses evasion builds anymore, ninja can bypass its lack of accuracy with very good gear now that accuracy accessories are BIS. it also has its 3rd rabam to combo high evasion players in 1v1. it's not ideal but its lack of accuracy is not as crippling as it once was.

3: sorc has lower damage numbers on GRJ than both serpent and katana shower. you can check on BDOcodex

4: cartian's nightmare is basically unusable as it will get you grabbed instantly, and the new slow SA dash isn't going to help whatsoever

5: sorc hasn't been "very strong" for around 2 years now, almost all good sorc pvp players rerolled to another class

6: succession sorc is generally stronger than awakening for group pvp, and also won the arsha tournament so it's also comparable in 1v1.

etc etc

Not sure why you're taking this personally, I never said that ninja is overpowered or anything. There's few good ninjas left anyway, they also rerolled to other, better classes.


13 118

Lv 63


Last Edit : Nov 8, 2021, 19:45 (UTC)

# 5

On: Nov 8, 2021, 15:55 (UTC), Written by askore

lol, I wasn't going to answer because basically everything you said is false and sounds like it comes from someone that has never bothered learning what sorc does, but what the hell is that?

I literally just logged on my ninja and used ghost step 20 times in 20 seconds. I think you have more pressing things to do than replying on my posts, like maybe learning your own class.

1: sorc could already bypass awakening iframe's CD, it's simply very annoying to do over and over.

2: almost no one uses evasion builds anymore, ninja can bypass its lack of accuracy with very good gear now that accuracy accessories are BIS. it also has its 3rd rabam to combo high evasion players in 1v1. it's not ideal but its lack of accuracy is not as crippling as it once was.

3: sorc has lower damage numbers on GRJ than both serpent and katana shower. you can check on BDOcodex

4: cartian's nightmare is basically unusable as it will get you grabbed instantly, and the new slow SA dash isn't going to help whatsoever

5: sorc hasn't been "very strong" for around 2 years now, almost all good sorc pvp players rerolled to another class

6: succession sorc is generally stronger than awakening for group pvp, and also won the arsha tournament so it's also comparable in 1v1.

etc etc

Not sure why you're taking this personally, I never said that ninja is overpowered or anything. There's few good ninjas left anyway, they also rerolled to other, better classes.

You sound like someone who hasnt played ninja considering you dont know the cooldown on ghost step read the tool tip. Thats very rich being brought up in comparison to a class that doesnt have a cooldown on there i frame at all.

People use hybrid builds as they always have because they have always been better overall. Sadly even with accuracy accessories ninja still has trouble one comboing people and certain classes especially high natural evasion classes something you would know if you actually played ninja.

Just because Cartians nightmare is susceptible to being grabbed doesnt mean its useless or that it cant be used so quit acting like that skill is useless because Its not there are plenty of videos of sorcs decimating groups of people with that skill. Katana shower is susceptible to being grabbed but guess what we still use it core'd or not doesnt matter we still use it.

Grim does more damage than katana shower period end of story you can quote those damage numbers all you want in actual use katana shower doesnt come anywhere near that level of damage especially through someones SA not to mention the animation of the skill is slow. Serpents does damage yes assuming you actually float if it does not it doesnt do near as much damage another thing you would know if you actually played ninja. i also wanted to clarify with you as well that grim actually does more damage than both of those skills all you did was look at damage numbers you did not do the math and incorporate the 20% accuracy grim has that neither serpents or shower have nor did you mention the fact that both serpents and katana shower have over 50 to 60 % damage reduction in pvp compared to grims 37%. By default it does more damage than either skill based on pvp reduction modifier alone then you add in the 100% crit rate along with its much higher accuracy rate of 20% that makes a massive difference in damage output but nice try on that buddy.

The only people that reroll to another class are people that are ass at the class they were on if you were commited to your class you would have stayed on it period like I have and many other ninjas. I have a friend who is a sorc main me and this man have been fighting in BA for four years Hes told me all about sorc what shes capable of where shes vulnerable has never rerolled off her I know more about her than you think I do just because ive been talking to him about her and fighting him for a long ass time.

Sorc is strong and always has been shes never not been strong same goes for ninja weve never been weak nor not considered a strong class. but just because we are strong does not mean we are perfect nor that we dont have problems that need fixing. this started because you compared grim to drastic measure when there was never a comparison to begin with Grim is by far A superior skill to Drastic in everyway and that sa change is not going to fix the problem with the skill which is the major lack of damage on the skill. all it did was give us an extra protection to use assuming anyone bothers to do so with it.


2 32

Lv 62


Last Edit : Nov 8, 2021, 21:32 (UTC)

# 6

On: Nov 8, 2021, 12:59 (UTC), Written by askore

Ninja is somewhat similar to sorc, with more mobility, 2 grabs, more damage, 1s CD on its iframe and smaller aoes.
Both classes strengths can overall be compared and ninja is generally regarded as the strongest of the two.

A big part of it is due to ninja's speed, which it partly gets from its 10% atack speed passive (and 17%as rabam).

On top of this, ninja is now getting a new 10% attack speed buff on a protected skill with its rework.

Meanwhile, sorc's new cast speed buff is only +5%, and only on unprotected skills.

Isn't rework supposed to bring balance to old classes??
At least balance out the new speed buffs of two similar classes, and give sorc +10% cast speed buff on a protected skill on top of claws of darkness.

Ninja is also getting more block damage while it already has a very good block damage core skill.

So far, Sorc gets nothing.

Please consider giving Violation's damage back with qol buffs to the skill, and add FG back to vile plan with slightly buffed damage (suggestion n°2 here)

and please give Core:GRJ's SA to the normal skill and the knockdown to Core like you did to ninja's Drastic Measure

Sorc has no Core variety because we are way too reliant on Core:GRJ.

I'm not saying Ninja does not deserve buffs, I think it's one of the best reworks so far but Sorceress should definitely get some of the love ninja's getting.

no. u already have enough plus the most broken iframe in the game so no.


0 2

Lv 61


Last Edit : Nov 9, 2021, 10:56 (UTC)

# 7

On: Nov 8, 2021, 21:29 (UTC), Written by Ninjamain4life

no. u already have enough plus the most broken iframe in the game so no.

Ninja already has stealth and 2 grabs so they shouldn't get reworked. see how dumb that sounds?

We might have the strongest iframe in the game, but the class is still below average for pvp.

Honestly you should stick to your own class discussions and make sure your rework is good instead of trying to annoy other classes. Doing that will always backfire against you in the end (earlier I read someone saying ninjas are the "biggest whiners and have no credibility")

On: Nov 8, 2021, 19:42 (UTC), Written by Izanagi345

You sound like someone who hasnt played ninja considering you dont know the cooldown on ghost step read the tool tip.

is this a joke?

[Class Discussion] In view of the Ninja's rework, I think it's fair to say Sorceress deserves something more. | Black Desert NA/EU (1)


13 118

Lv 63


Last Edit : Nov 9, 2021, 13:58 (UTC)

# 8

On: Nov 9, 2021, 10:56 (UTC), Written by askore

Ninja already has stealth and 2 grabs so they shouldn't get reworked. see how dumb that sounds?

We might have the strongest iframe in the game, but the class is still below average for pvp.

Honestly you should stick to your own class discussions and make sure your rework is good instead of trying to annoy other classes. Doing that will always backfire against you in the end (earlier I read someone saying ninjas are the "biggest whiners and have no credibility")

is this a joke?

[Class Discussion] In view of the Ninja's rework, I think it's fair to say Sorceress deserves something more. | Black Desert NA/EU (2)

You corrected me and I corrected you with the grim katana and serpent damage numbers you didnt mention anything about that though did you you were the one whining about your grim skill for zero reason you dont have to core it it does need cored to be useful or usable the skill is so fast on release catching it is a very hard thing to do. and once again it does more damage than most of my skills.


2 32

Lv 62


Last Edit : Nov 10, 2021, 00:04 (UTC)

# 9

Is this thread a competition in the level of cringe? From "sorc reboot isn't good enough" (lol, it's one of the better ones) to "ninja needs buffs" and "there's few good ninjas left" (it's only one of the most played classes in pvp overall, ba and rbf are literally crawling with them, but okay), to "ghost step is 2s cd" (no comment) and "ninja does no dmg" (omegalul literally, watch a combo guide and a gear guide or something).


3 105

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Last Edit : Nov 10, 2021, 13:09 (UTC)

# 10

On: Nov 10, 2021, 00:04 (UTC), Written by thdqd

Is this thread a competition in the level of cringe? From "sorc reboot isn't good enough" (lol, it's one of the better ones) to "ninja needs buffs" and "there's few good ninjas left" (it's only one of the most played classes in pvp overall, ba and rbf are literally crawling with them, but okay), to "ghost step is 2s cd" (no comment) and "ninja does no dmg" (omegalul literally, watch a combo guide and a gear guide or something).



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[Class Discussion] In view of the Ninja's rework, I think it's fair to say Sorceress deserves something more. | Black Desert NA/EU (2024)
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