RAF Loss of Support Claims: When and How Much You Can Claim (2024)

In the tragic event that someone who supports you financially is killed in a road accident, you may be eligible for compensation from the Road Accident Fund (RAF). A RAF loss of support claim may cover support that you’ve personally lost and/or financial support for the children of the person who has died.

In this article, we offer information on:

  • who is eligible to claim compensation for loss of support
  • documents you’ll need to support a claim
  • current limits that apply to RAF loss of support claims
  • the average loss of support claim amount, according to the latest RAF report.

We also offer details of RAF claims for funeral expenses, including what costs may be covered and the documents required to support a claim.

Who can claim for loss of support from the RAF?

A claim for loss of support can be made if these conditions apply:

  • the deceased person was not solely responsible for causing the accident
  • the deceased person had a duty or legal obligation to support the dependant(s)
  • this person was providing the dependant(s) with support at the time of death
  • the dependant(s) lost needed support due to the person’s death.

A duty to provide support is recognised, for example, between a parent or guardian and their children.

This duty is also recognised between spouses, fiancés and common-law partners. In other words, a life partner can claim – with or without having been legally married to the deceased.

If the dependant was also earning an income at the time, this will be taken into account, to establish the extent to which both income earners were contributing to the household.

A claim can be made on behalf of child dependants by the victim’s spouse or by a legal guardian.

What’s needed to support a RAF loss of support claim

Legal advice and representation

It’s highly recommended that as the first step, you contact attorneys with experience in handling RAF claims.

A suitably qualified attorney can advise on the amount to claim, create a strong case to support your claim and represent your interests in settlement or court proceedings. This dramatically increases the likelihood of a successful claim and a rewarding payout.

Required documents

A claim for loss of support must be supported by specific documents.

If death occurred at the accident site, no medical records are required. If the victim died in hospital, however, a medical report will be needed.

You’ll also need the following documents:

  • certified copies of ID documents for the victim and claimant
  • a death certificate
  • post-mortem reports
  • a marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • birth certificates of dependant(s)
  • financial statements
  • salary slips
  • last will and testament (if applicable)
  • income tax returns for the deceased
  • the final liquidation and distribution account for the deceased.

Limitations on claims for loss of support

Cap on how much you can claim

In a loss of support claim, the compensation that may be awarded for past and annual anticipated losses is capped at a maximum value.

The limit was first established in 2008, as R160,000 per annum. However, this value is adjusted quarterly for inflation, based on the consumer price index (CPI).

The most current cap is published in a Government Gazette (scroll down to the section with the most recent entries) and may be announced in the RAF Media Centre.

Time limits on loss of support claims

If the identity of the driver responsible (or partially responsible) for the accident is unknown, claims must be made within two years of the date of the accident.

If the identity of this driver is known, the time limit is three years.

Average RAF loss of support claims

The amount you can claim from the RAF will depend on the case, your circ*mstances, the income and earning trajectory of the breadwinner and his or her dependants.

The RAF’s latest annual report stated that the average loss of support claim in 2020 was for R450 307.

RAF claims for funeral expenses

You can also claim from the RAF to cover the funeral expenses of a family member who was killed in a road accident.

If the family covered these costs upfront, they can claim from the RAF for reimbursem*nt.

Similar time limits to those for loss of support claims apply to claims for funeral costs.

What funeral costs are and aren’t covered

The RAF will cover the following funeral costs:

  • transportation of the body
  • provision of the coffin or burial shroud
  • preparation of the body (including embalming)
  • storage of the body
  • arranging for issuing of a death certificate
  • burial or cremation of the body
  • hiring of equipment to lower the coffin into the grave
  • grave fees.

The RAF won’t cover expenses such as catering, flowers, transport for attendees, funeral programmes or tombstones.

What you need to support a claim for funeral costs

To support a RAF claim for funeral costs, you’ll need your ID; the ID of the deceased; a death certificate; a post-mortem report; and a copy of the accident report. Medical records and an embalming certificate may also be required.

You’ll also need an invoice from the funeral parlour.

RAF Loss of Support Claims: When and How Much You Can Claim (2024)


How do you calculate loss of support claim? ›

The RAF employs a formula to apportion the deceased's income among the dependents, reflecting the nature and number of dependents. Specifically, two portions of the income are allocated to the spouse, while one portion is earmarked for each child and indigent parent.

How do you qualify for loss of support in the RAF? ›

To claim loss of support from the RAF, it has to be shown that: the deceased was not solely responsible for the road accident. the deceased had an obligation or duty to support the claimant financially. the claimant was financially supported by the deceased at the time of his or her death.

How much can you get from RAF? ›

For example, the listed payouts for serious injuries range from R125,000 for back pain and a stiff neck, with no loss of earnings compensation, up to R2,500,000 for general damages in the case of paraplegia and partial paralysis, with loss of earnings claims going as high as R6,500,000.

How much is loss of support? ›

Limitations on claims for loss of support

Loss of support claims are also capped. In 2008, the limit was set at R160,000 per annum. This value is periodically adjusted for inflation. For example, the adjusted limit set to apply from 30 April, 2020 was R294,300 per annum.

What is the formula for the amount of claim? ›

The actual amount of claim is determined by the formula:

Claim = Loss Suffered x Insured Value/Total Cost. The object of such an Average Clause is to limit the liability of the Insurance Company. Both the insurer and the insured then bear the loss in proportion to the covered and uncovered sum.

What is amount of money awarded to compensate for a plaintiff's loss? ›

What are compensatory damages? Compensatory damages compensate a plaintiff for harm, injury, or other losses caused by the tortious conduct of another party. Also called “actual damages,” compensatory damages are the primary relief awarded in a successful tort action.

What is the RAF rule? ›

RAF Rule (Royal Air Force Rule) provides a binocular gauge to measure Objective and Subjective Convergence as well as Accommodation in 1 mm increments. The RAF Rule consists of a 50 cm long rule with a slider holding a rotating four-sided cube. Each side has a different target.

How do I claim RAF? ›

Standard documents for injury claims:
  1. Statutory Medical Report.
  2. Copies of all Hospital & Medical Records in terms of section 19 (e) (i) and 19 (e) (ii)
  3. Amount Claimed as Compensation.
  4. Certified copy of Claimant's ID Certified copy of Injured Identity Document (if different from Claimant)

What is the minimum commitment for the RAF? ›

RAF Reserve

You'll need to: be between 18 and 54. commit to at least 27 days a year. attend a 2-week training camp each year.

How are RAF payouts calculated? ›

There are three components to calculating your Road Accident Fund payouts. Firstly, there is a payment for your medical expenses. Secondly, you can claim for the loss of future earnings. Thirdly, there is a payment for damages for pain and suffering.

How does RAF pay out? ›

Introducing RAFPay by Taurus Capital – the product that ends the delay by offering an upfront cash payment based on the size of the award (after your lawyer's fees and disbursem*nts) against your finalised Road Accident Fund court order or settlement agreement.

What is the highest RAF payout? ›

Cape Town - A motorcyclist from Switzerland has won more than half a billion rand - €42m or R519 692 655.51 - from the Road Accident Fund (RAF) as a result of a settlement negotiated between the fund, the injured man and a reinsurance company.

How long does it take for RAF to pay out? ›

The RAF promises to make payments within 180 days of settlement or court judgment. While this six-month timeframe might sound reasonable, it's not always the case in practice.

How much does RAF pay for broken ankle? ›

Compilation of RAF Awards
Complex Fractures of the AnkleR350 000R870,005
Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in KneeR 640 000R 7 167 150.40
Dislocated Kneecap (Patella)R515 305. 25R515 305. 25
Multiple Fractured ToesR385 000.00R730 994.00
20 more rows
Mar 22, 2024

Does RAF pay out for death? ›

What is covered under the death benefit? The RAF may pay for the following funeral or cremation expenses in accordance with section 18(4) of the Road Accident Fund Act, 1996: Transportation of the deceased's body.

How do you calculate compensation for loss of earnings? ›

However, if your hours are not fixed or you sometimes work overtime, calculating loss of earnings can be trickier. Therefore, rather than basing your claim on your hourly rate or your annual salary, loss of earnings is usually calculated by taking an average of your earnings for the three months before your accident.

How do you calculate loss of earnings? ›

Past loss of earnings is typically calculated by obtaining wage slips pre-dating (often for a period of at least three months or 13 weeks) and post-dating the accident, calculating the average net monthly wage prior to the accident and deducting the net monthly wage following the accident to provide a net loss.

What is compensation for loss of money? ›

Compensation for financial loss

Where you've lost out financially, we can tell the business to pay you money directly to put things right. That might mean awarding you a specific amount, or telling the business how to calculate the amount you should receive. There is a limit to how much we can tell a business to pay.

What is compensation for loss of damage? ›

Compensatory damages are awarded in civil court cases where loss has occurred as a result of the negligence or unlawful conduct of another party. To receive compensatory damages, the plaintiff has to prove that a loss occurred and that it was attributable to the defendant.

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